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The Family Business with Cathy Carroll

George Grombacher July 15, 2024 The Family Business with Cathy Carroll LifeBlood: We talked about navigating transitions with the family business, the polarities that must be addressed, honoring family history and relationship dynamics, and how to take problems head on with love and logic, with Cathy Carroll, leadership coach for small business, speaker, and [...]
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Sales Podcast post

Monetizing Podcasts with Ryan Estes

George Grombacher June 5, 2024 Monetizing Podcasts with Ryan Estes LifeBlood: We talked about monetizing podcasts, what it means to be an influencer today, how companies are pouring advertising dollars into podcasts, and why it’s a growth industry, with Ryan Estes, CoFounder of Wildcast and Kitcaster.        Listen to learn how you can start monetizing [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Risk Reduction with Alex Dang

George Grombacher May 13, 2024 Risk Reduction with Alex Dang LifeBlood: We talked about risk reduction, how VCs make decisions, when to double down and when to cut bait, the danger of the sunk cost fallacy, how better decision making can benefit Fortune 500 companies and individuals alike, and how to get started, with [...]
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Business Podcast Post

Feeling Valued with Don Barden

George Grombacher April 23, 2024 Feeling Valued with Don Barden LifeBlood: We talked about the importance of feeling valued, a process leaders can implement to empower others and have more time to focus on their own work, why women will continue taking on more leadership positions in every aspect of society and business, and [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Rebuilding Trust in Healthcare with Leslie Kirk

George Grombacher April 19, 2024 Rebuilding Trust in Healthcare with Leslie Kirk LifeBlood: We talked about rebuilding trust in healthcare, why distrust exists, the importance of brining business acumen to brilliant innovators, how technology both helps and hurts the delivery of healthcare, and what the future holds, with Leslie Kirk, CEO of Innsena Communications.        [...]
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RFP Success with Lisa Rehurek

George Grombacher March 28, 2024 RFP Success with Lisa Rehurek LifeBlood: We talked about RFP success and what it takes to win government contracts, how big the market is, what the process looks like, how it can change your business, and how to get started, with Lisa Rehurek, Founder and CEO of The RFP [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

NonFiction Writing with Stephanie Chandler

George Grombacher March 3, 2024 NonFiction Writing with Stephanie Chandler LifeBlood: We talked about nonfiction writing, how the industry has changed and evolved dramatically over the past 20 years, the key differences between fiction and nonfiction writing, how to earn a living writing, the biggest challenges and how to overcome them, and where to [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Wastewater Solutions with Stanley Janicki

George Grombacher February 24, 2024 Wastewater Solutions with Stanley Janicki LifeBlood: We talked about wastewater solutions, extracting nitrogen and other nutrients from wastewater, how fertilizer is produced and the impact on greenhouse gas, the opportunity with existing treatment plants, and the hurdles to overcome, with Stanley Janicki, Chief Revenue Officer with Sedron Technologies.        Listen [...]