Wealth Blog Post

Three Areas You Can Cut Back Spending This Year and Get Organized

Patrina Dixon January 16, 2022

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Three Areas You Can Cut Back Spending This Year and Get Organized

New Year’s Resolutions come around every year. Most of us try and set new goals for things like going to the gym, eating healthier, and finding a new hobby. We want to get organized.

Come February, we’re tired and want to get back to binge-watching Netflix and scrolling mindlessly on our phones. The best goal you can set for yourself… being mindful of your money. As a financial coach, it’s my job to help people budget and save but with new technology and upcoming startups, there are so many different options to aid you. There are three main areas that you may be able to cut spending that you didn’t even realize!


Do you ever want to watch a show but it’s on a service you don’t have a subscription with? Next thing you know you’re signing up for a 30-day free trial, and weeks, months, and sometimes years go by and you don’t realize you’re paying for 7 different services you don’t need. You must keep track of this, as inconvenient as it sounds at the time. The last thing you want to do is lose hundreds of dollars monthly.

TrueBill is a tool that can help you with that, allowing you to cancel subscriptions and stay on budget. Truebill is an app that helps people gain awareness about their spending habits and better manage their money. Truebill makes it easier than ever to manage subscriptions, lower your bills, and stay on top of finances & budgeting. Click here to get started!

Personal Spending/Online Shopping

We’re all guilty of visiting Amazon or online stores and finding the next gadget we need for the kitchen or bathroom. Most likely we’ll use it a few times, get bored of it, toss it a drawer, and repeat the vicious cycle all over again. With the internet at our fingertips, it’s easy to spend… even easier if you have your card saved. Make sure to be mindful of your spending.

Creating a budget sheet via Excel, or even on paper will help remind you that you must budget. Resources like Qube Money allow you to budget through online envelopes that will help you stay on track! Click here to see how you can get started with Qube!

Vacations and Travel

If you’re anything like me, and love to travel the world, you probably don’t mind spending out-of-pocket money for a nice getaway. Instead of tossing thousands of money every year, cut back spending by engaging with programs that give you money back for travel.
This includes credit cards that give you specific benefits for air miles or cash back for vacation spotsCard Curator also allows you to do this, as you can use the rewards for amazing premium travel opportunities, hobbies, and even charities! With it, you can save thousands without even changing your current spending habits. It cuts back on the time you would take searching for the right program to enroll in while being all at your fingertips. Click here to find out more!
Learn more at https://www.itsmymoneyjournal.info/
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