LifeBlood: We talked about closing sales, how to align what you’re great at with what others are willing to buy, the secret to sales success, and how to outsource a sales team, with Kayvon Kay, master of sales and creator of the one-call closer methodology.
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george grombacher 0:02
Kayvon Kay is a master of sales and closing is the creator of the one call closer methodology. Welcome to the show Kayvon.
Kayvon Kay 0:11
Yes, thanks so much for having me. Appreciate it
george grombacher 0:14
excited to have you on tell us a bit about your personal life more about your work and why you do what you do.
Kayvon Kay 0:20
Why I do what I do. Yeah, so I run a company called the sales connection. And what we do is we basically build a sales department outsourced sales departments for coaches, consultants, authors, anybody influencers, people that have high ticket offers in the internet marketing space, they usually tend to outsource their sales departments when they’re starting out. And we’ve been chosen as one of the fastest growing sales department to see the sales connection in the last few years, which I’m very excited about. I built that based off of everything, from my passion and anything of my being. So my entire life, I’ve been in sales. It’s all I ever really known, I was in the bottom half of the class and made the top half perfect, if you know what I mean, written off at the age of before grade one, they written me off, you know, ATD, ADHD, learning disabilities and reading, writing math and language. So what was left, right, is that and, and my problem was, I had two left feet. So you know, there was not much going for me, but I never let that beat me down. But I always kind of was in this position of always having to sell myself right from a young age. And then I just kind of grew and in my teens, and then in my early 20s, that’s all I actually really focused on was like sales and having kind of a sales business journey. And then I got into my last career job was pharmaceutical sales, I was the number one pharmaceutical sales rep in the largest company across Canada. And from there, I saw the corporate world, which was just another high school for me, it’s literally the school system all over again, just a different levels. And I couldn’t do it. I was not employable, I was not going to surrender my goals and surrender who I was as a person just to climb up that corporate ladder. So I knew very quickly that I had to go out and build something of my own. And let me tell you, it was it’s been it’s been a journey.
george grombacher 2:10
I don’t thought that for a second. me made me think that seen an office space with a guys like I have people skills. Yeah.
Kayvon Kay 2:19
Well, I did I unfortunately, I did have. I had some tenacity in me and what I locked in the school system, and you know, in the classroom, I made up in my charisma and my ability to have the self confidence, even if it was fake confidence. I just knew that I had to become someone bigger, better louder. If I was ever going to make a move in this world.
george grombacher 2:39
Yeah, well, and you certainly did it. So you rise to the top of the pharmaceutical sales in Canada, which is which is incredible. And then you say, okay, not into this whole
Kayvon Kay 2:53
i. So I was like what you’d see out of the movies, working one day a week, had the company car had the company credit card, making 250 300k a year live in life customers love me told my manager at the beginning of the year I was going to be I was like, this is the year I get the big award, which is the you know, rep of the year, and you get on this big vacation, blah, blah, blah. And by March, I outsold everybody in the company by mid May, by mid year my, my manager told me to like slow down right here, like your belly here, they can look too hard. And by the end of the year, instead of give me the award, they let me go because I was too loud and too aggressive. So I knew and that wasn’t the first time in a sales career where I became number one too quickly and ruffled some feathers the wrong way and found the walking paper so I knew very quickly that you know a lot of people they do the same thing over and over and expecting a different result and we know that’s the definition of sanity I’m more of a one or two guy maybe three max you know definitely three right? They you know, one time I say is on you second time is like alright, you did that to yourself, you know third times like come on now. So for me it was the second time kind of in that kind of I would call it scene of work in the corporate doing you know, jumping the hoops being someone you’re not still finding a way to win, it’s still not good enough because he didn’t fit the mold. That corporate mold right so I went out and I did my own I went out as the one call closer, I slowly created the brand around me because I took my my professional skills of selling on the online space, which was you know, a little bit of a different sale but all that foundation really helped me and I went from trying to build a business I was losing $25,000 a month I was $250,000 in debt 30 days from bankruptcy. And I had no idea what I was going to do I mean you’re you talk about being lost, scared everything that an entrepreneur goes through. I went through it 10 times over and and I remember in that moment when I was sitting in the line at the bank, and I remember sitting there going like is this it like am I really going No give up. And I just something came over me and I remember you read the books and they say they’re moments in life. There’s moments, whether you’re a professional athlete or you’re going for your big star, you’d be in a Hollywood movie star, whatever that might be, right? There’s coming moments in your life where like, you’re the world, the universe is going to give you everything you need to quit. It’s going to pound to keep you down and most Cowards will stay down. And I remember that was like, is that this moment? Is this the moment where it’s like, the universe is trying to tell me something? And I said, if it is I gotta listen. So I didn’t, I didn’t I didn’t sign the papers. I said, You know what? I walked away. I picked up the phone I called 30 Different people who had money, said, Hey, I have a dream. I have a goal. I need to get my you know, I need to get this organized. I believe so wholeheartedly when I’m trying to do I made mistakes. Can you can you give me a loan? One of my pharmacists that I work with said, You know what came on I believe the 27th It was the 27th guy. He’s a cave on. I’ve always liked you. I believe in your tenacity, no problem. Gave me the $30,000. Right away, I gave it to a mentor. Because I at that point, I was like, can’t do it on my own. mentor said to me, I know your problem. I know what’s your problem, because you’re not a marketer. You’re a sales guy, go be a sales guy. I was trying to be a marketer. I was trying to be the influencer, I was trying to be you know, trying to run the Facebook ads, all that. And he showed me this world of high ticket sales. And he said to me, he said, instead of trying to be the guy, so instead of trying to do as you know, like the podcast and get alive, then were promoted, then get the Facebook ads, and then get everyone onto it. Right? He’s like, just go close for the pot, like the podcast. What do you mean, he’s like, instead of collecting the 10 Grand, you collect two grand, but you move on? And you do that every half hour? And I said, Okay, why? You’re telling me I just got to close for these people. And I’ll make $2,000 every half hour. He’s like, Yeah, you’re good. Where do I Where do I sign up? The next day I went looking, he just said go on Facebook, went on Facebook, got a job two days later, 30 days later, I was making 25 grand a month, I went from losing 25,000 to earning 25,000. That’s what I knew, I found, I found what I was supposed to do. And then from there, though, I was still working for people, right? I was still I was now I was just you know, working for an influencer was different. Because I was working from home, I was really good at it. I loved it. And I could speak because most of the people I was speaking to were business owners are people looking for more well, who was better to speak to them than me, literally going through that transformation, I had so much conviction that I didn’t know I didn’t even know what the product was, I could just speak out of conviction. And then from there, we looked at the concept of the wealth triangle, there’s very important for your audience. Because if you’re sitting there right now, and you’re wondering if you’re, if you’re kind of stuck in the mundane thing of average life, I call it or you’re sitting there go, how do I get more in my life, and I’m not quite sure what to do or how to get to it. The best advice I ever got was the idea of this wealth triangle. The wealth triangle on one side of it is you got what he calls a high income skill. This is a skill, this is a skill that you can get paid anywhere between 1015 $20,000 a month. And it’s something that you add almost like a consultant, it’s a skill, so copywriting, closing, writing, you know, ad copy what you’re doing podcasting, like that’s a skill, right. And then once you develop that skill, you go build a business around that skill. So that’s on the other side of the triangle, which is your business. And then from the business, the income you make from your business is the income you go into your actually investment. So you got high income skill, you got business, and then the bottom line, you got investments, most people are trying to live on the bottom line. So most people are sitting there going, Oh, I gotta go invest in real estate because all these billionaires are telling the resin, you know, invest in real estate, or I gotta buy income properties, or I gotta buy storage units, or I gotta buy the, what’s that word there? When you say? What’s that free money that they the mailbox money, they call it right? Every, you know, recurring income, right? And it’s like, no, no, that you’ve been lied to, there’s no such thing. The first you got to start at square one square one is you got to develop a skill, then from there, you build a business around that skill. And then if you’re really good at doing that business, you take the profits of that business, and then that’s what you invest into your, you know, recurring income, your stay at home mailbox money. So for me, I’m at the second side of building the business, right? So I took the I took my skill, and we built the sales connection, where we work now with influencers, they hire me and my team and we build full on sales departments. And now we take those profits and we invest into real estate and we invest in Airbnb, and we invest in the things that bring us our recurring.
george grombacher 9:24
I love it. It certainly is. And it’s also if you do strip everything away, it makes perfect sense. Yeah. And we have a tendency to really complicate things and do you think that most people think sales is a good thing or a bad thing? Or oh, I
Kayvon Kay 9:46
don’t Yeah, we all know that there’s a stigma around sales, you know, because you think sales most people think the 80s greasy hair car salesman, right? That’s actually not sales and here’s the one thing I know about sales is this is everything. thing you want in your life, no matter who you are, no matter what you are, if you’re a doctor, if you’re a parent, if you’re a business owner, if you’re an account, you’re a lawyer, whatever it might be where you are right now, everything you want is a sale. Everything you get is your commission. We’re in a world of sales, people just don’t like the idea of sales. So I don’t say sales, I say connection. We’re in a world of connection and your ability to connect with others your ability to connect with other people’s dreams, their desires, your ability to be like a doctor and ask the right questions, diagnose the problem, and then give them the solution. That’s what sales is. That’s all it is. Sales isn’t influenced sales isn’t sleazy sales isn’t any more, I can’t make you do something. Nowadays, you have more information about what you want, than I can even have as a salesperson, all the power is in the buyers hands. So the what I have to have as the salesperson is to make sure I create the certainty and the conviction and the clarity for you to make the right decision. And along is that I’m in alignment of that. It’s not sales. It’s called helping people. I love
george grombacher 11:01
it. And so don’t let me put words in your mouth, you are unlocking the the income potential for everybody that you’re serving, who are I’m assuming highly competent, maybe even brilliant. But they lack the structure, time process, desire to get out and sell the wonderful thing that they’ve created.
Kayvon Kay 11:26
Yeah, so we help two people, right, which is very good. In our business, the first people we help is our clients, which our core philosophy there is get into the business of helping winners win more. So we help the eights and the nines become 10s and elevens. Those are business owners that are already thriving. What they’re now at a point is they want to scale. So they’re already doing 100 $200,000 months, they want to get to million dollar amounts, they need to do that with a full on sales department. They don’t know how to build, they don’t how to recruit. They don’t want to train they don’t know sales process sales system sales, training that none of that. So they hire me and we bring all that in. But the other client we have is are actually the salespeople, or everyday people that we teach this skill to, and we put them into our teams. I’ve taken people who have had no sales experience working, you know, day to day, 50 grand a year, making 200 $300,000 a year now, by trusting the process, learning the art of the sale of what we do, learning how to connect with our prospects and closing them over the phone, they get to work from home, they get to set their calendar, they make anywhere between 1015 20 grand a month, that’s all depends on the offer you’re on and how good you are. So we are helping to people we’re helping clients get better winners win more. And we’re helping other people create something more in their lives create freedom, one of the best ones that like one of the you know, you want to call testimony or case studies we have is a guy that came to us. He was actually in the corporate world he was doing he was doing about 200 grand a year. But he never He didn’t even know where his kids school was. He was always traveling and his wife was about to leave them. And when he came to us, he just said cave on I’m not expecting you guys to pay me or even make what I was making a corporate I just need to make X dollars. And I got to be able to get off, you know, be able to pick my kids up at school and be able to take Friday’s off and spend time with my family. No travel I said got you covered in 3045 days, he calls me back he goes cave on you’ve lied to me. I said what he said you told me I was going to make half of what I was making? I’m making more than I was making in corporate because he changed his life. I love it. Yeah.
george grombacher 13:24
So is there? Are there specific industries? Are there industries that you’re not interested in?
Kayvon Kay 13:31
Yeah, so industries we work with again is more right now is the coaches consultants, kind of an internet marketing. So as it’s either what we call the business improvement, so businesses services, and b2b or even business opportunity, which is called the Business biz op. So really, we’re in elearning education. So if you have a course a product or service that you’re charging 510 15 20k For that’s kind of where we sit. We have worked in like the real estate, we’ve worked in insurance and all of that but our core competencies like in our in our sweet spot is more of the coaches consultants thought leaders influencers. You know, the new age I called the New Age e learning. Industry $1 A day industry.
george grombacher 14:15
Yeah, I don’t doubt that for a second. Is it an easy sell to people? What what are the objections that you get?
Kayvon Kay 14:23
Yeah, so I mean, if and here’s the great thing, if the marketing is done, right, it’s a very easy so if I have if you have to sell somebody, it usually is an indication that the marketing is not done properly, like not done right, especially in what we do. Now. This isn’t a whole sales against marketing. It’s just It’s just what it is. I always tell people you got to look at Do you have a sales problem? Or do you have a marketing problem? Because when I’ve worked with some of the some of our top clients, when I get on a phone with someone, they know what they’re there for, they understand what they’re getting. They they’re now just actually getting pre qualified to see if they’re the right fit. And or they again, they just, you know, when you’re asking someone to Spend $10,000. Picking up the credit card is not easy. So they need to have a voice of reason they need someone that can speak to they can ensure what they’re about to invest in is the right thing for that. I again, so I tell my guys this is like if you act like a salesperson, you will lose. If you put yourself first you will lose when you put your prospect first, you’ll always be on top, you act like a doctor, you can’t. And we’ll be really why I say that is same thing as a doctor, you just don’t go in and go, Hey, I got a headache. And then all of a sudden, they just started giving you Tylenol, they asked you questions they asked you about your family history, they asked you how long is it happening? The same thing, what we do we diagnose we see what’s going on, we asked the questions we fit, make sure it’s the right fit, because the worst thing you want to do is take someone’s $10,000, when they shouldn’t be investing into a product that doesn’t serve them. That’s like I see people doing that just for the commission. And I say this, if you make it about the commission, you’re going to lose. But if you make it about the mission, you’ll have more commissions than you can ever handle.
george grombacher 15:56
I love that. I imagine that a lot of the creators, the folks that you are interested in working with and the folks that you do work with today, many of them say, Well, my thing is so unique that a stranger or somebody off the street can’t sell it.
Kayvon Kay 16:14
Yet we get that all the time. And what I teach them what I usually tell them or say to them, it’s the sale is always the same. It’s just a little nuance. So yes, it’s the language you got to learn. That’s not that hard. You can you can learn that in 30 days, you learn that in 45 days, you can learn that in two weeks, depending on who you are. And the sales process never change. The sales process, when I get on the phone doesn’t change if it’s b2b, to B to C is B to E, it’s the same process as questions. Listen, right most salespeople do much talking about, they’ll say, Okay, well, you’ve been doing all the talking while I’m on a podcast. It’s what I’m supposed to be doing right now. But if I was on a sales call, you wouldn’t hear me talk. And the only time I’m talking is when I’m asking the right questions. And I’m asking questions for specific answers I’m trying to get, and I’m listening. And if you’re really good, you listen to what they don’t say. That’s the power is listening with the prospects not saying because the prospects, they say prospects lie. It’s not like they lie, they just hold back because of all the sales bias they have in their heads, right? Like all we’re bombarded every single day attention is the hardest thing to get from people every day and every day we’re being sold to so how do you trust me? How can you trust you, I gotta gain your trust and get you to pull out a credit card in less than 3045 minutes. There’s there’s a certain way of doing it. But once you learn that way, doesn’t matter what you’re selling, it’s the same process.
george grombacher 17:34
And for those creators who are listening, you have a digital product you would like to sell more of you’re already successful. How much is there a typical price for an engagement with you? We
Kayvon Kay 17:46
we vary depending on the scope of work, because we have multiple services, we do recruiting, we do system build out. So CRM build out, we’ll do audits, and then we do our fulfillment. So we again, our ideal person is the or they’re already doing around 100,000 or $50,000 a month, they can book calls. They’re they’re at a point where they’re an inflection point in their business where they want to scale so usually the owner themselves still on the phone, or they got one or two people and they’re not making as good sales obviously, as the owner is and the owner is not finding themselves being more of a Sales Director than the business owner. They find themselves being on the calls but that’s not why they got in the business. They got on the call in the business to actually give the product or do the solution or whatever it might be right. So at that point, they want to scale and they only go to one person and that’s the sales connection. If you want it done right.
george grombacher 18:38
Love it. Cable thanks so much for coming on. Where can people learn more about you? How can they engage?
Kayvon Kay 18:44
Very simple just go to cave on.com and you’ll get all the socials wherever you hang out is where I hang out go to cave on.com kyvon.com
george grombacher 18:54
Is that an easy one to get? That was it Yeah, well
Kayvon Kay 18:56
I paid for it but it was easy after I paid for it.
george grombacher 18:59
I think I think you’re the first cave on but that does not mean you’re the only cave on out there. No,
Kayvon Kay 19:04
I’m not the only cave on but I am one of the only gay ones got it.
george grombacher 19:08
Well if you enjoyed as much as I did show cave on your appreciation and share today’s show with a friend who also appreciates good ideas if you are in the position or the shoes that cave on has been talking about. Check it out, go to cave on.com kyvon.com and learn a little bit more about what it’s Tse. The other sales connection yet. TS see the S C. E about the sales connection. Excellent. Thanks again, Kevin. Thanks so much. Paul. Next time remember to your part by doing your best
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On this show, we talked about increasing professional engagement, overall productivity and happiness with Libby Gill, an executive coach, speaker and best selling author. Listen to find out how Libby thinks you can use the science of hope as a strategy in your own life!
For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 16:37.
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george grombacher 16:00
So if I want my iPhone, and my Tesla and my Bitcoin to work, we need to get the metal out of the ground.
Pierre Leveille 16:07
Absolutely. Without it, we cannot do it.
george grombacher 16:13
Why? Why is there a Why has production been going down.
Pierre Leveille 16:21
Because the large mines that are producing most of the copper in the world, the grades are going down slowly they’re going there, they’re arriving near the end of life. So and of life of mines in general means less production. And in the past, at least 15 years, the exploration expenditure for copper were pretty low, because the price of copper was low. And when the price is low, companies are tending to not invest more so much in exploration, which is what we see today. It’s it’s, it’s not the way to look at it. Because nobody 15 years ago was able to predict that there would be a so massive shortage, or it’s so massive demand coming. But in the past five years, or let’s say since the since 10 years, we have seen that more and more coming. And then the by the time you react start exploring and there’s more money than then ever that is putting in put it in expression at the moment for copper at least. And what we see is that the it takes time, it could take up to 2025 years between the time you find a deposit that it gets in production. So but but the year the time is counted. So it’s it’s very important to so you will see company reopening old mines, what it will push also, which is not bad, it will force to two, it will force to find a it will force to find ways of recalibrating customer, you know the metals, that will be more and more important.
george grombacher 18:07
So finding, okay, so for lack of a better term recycling metals that are just sitting around somewhere extremely important. Yeah. And then going and going back to historic minds that maybe for lack of technology, or just lack of will or reasons, but maybe now because there’s such a demand, there’s an appetite to go back to those.
Pierre Leveille 18:33
Yes, but there will be a lot of failures into that for many reasons. But the ones that will be in that will resume mining it’s just going to be a short term temporary solution. No it’s it’s not going to be you need to find deposit that will that will operate 50 years you know at least it’s 25 to 50 years at least and an old mind that you do in production in general it’s less than 10 years.
george grombacher 19:03
Got it. Oh there we go. Up here. People are ready for your difference making tip What do you have for them
Pierre Leveille 19:14
You mean an investment or
george grombacher 19:17
whatever you’re into, you’ve got so much life experience with raising a family and doing business all over the world and having your kids go to school in Africa so a tip on copper or whatever you’re into.
Pierre Leveille 19:34
But there’s two things I like to see and I was telling my children many times and I always said you know don’t focus on what will bring you specifically money don’t think of Getting Rich. Think of doing what you what you like, what you feel your your your your your, you know you have been born to do so use your most you skills, do what you like, do what you wet well, and good things will happen to you. And I can see them grow in their life. And I can tell you that this is what happens. And sometimes you have setback like I had recently. But if we do things properly, if we do things that we like, and we liked that project, we were very passionate about that project, not only me, all my team, and if we do things properly, if we do things correctly, good things will happen. And we will probably get the project back had to go forward or we will find another big project that will be the launch of a new era. So that’s my most important tip in life. Do what you like, do it with your best scale and do it well and good things will happen.
george grombacher 20:49
Pierre Leveille 21:03
Thank you. I was happy to be with you to today.
george grombacher 21:06
Damn, tell us the websites and where where people can connect and find you.
Pierre Leveille 21:13
The it’s Deep South resources.com. So pretty simple.
george grombacher 21:18
Perfect. Well, if you enjoyed this as much as I did show up here your appreciation and share today’s show with a friend who also appreciate good ideas, go to deep south resources, calm and learn all about what they’re working on and track their progress.
Pierre Leveille 21:32
Thanks. Thanks, have a nice day.
george grombacher 21:36
And until next time, keep fighting the good fight. We’re all in this together.
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