Entrepreneurship Podcast post

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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Should You Scale Your Business with Daniel Marcos

George Grombacher December 28, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Daniel-Marcos-FINAL.mp3 Should You Scale Your Business with Daniel Marcos LifeBlood: We talked about whether or not you should scale your business, the things successful entrepreneurs do that unsuccessful ones don’t, the right habits and mindset for success, developing the right habits and finding the right people, and how to get [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Watchmaking with R.T. Custer

George Grombacher December 1, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/RT-Custer-FINAL.mp3 Watchmaking with R.T. Custer LifeBlood: We talked about watchmaking, the history of watchmaking in the US, doing it sustainably, turning pocket watches into wrist watches, and the value of a non-smart watch, with R.T. Custer, CoFounder and CEO of the Vortic Watch Company, and The Colorado Watch Company.        Listen [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Overcoming Fear with Tomer Alpert

George Grombacher December 1, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Tomer-Alpert-FINAL.mp3 Overcoming Fear with Tomer Alpert LifeBlood: We talked about overcoming fear, the challenges of entrepreneurship, combatting the loneliness epidemic, the power of a handwritten note, and how to start making better connections with people you, with Tomer Alpert, Creator of Felt.        Listen to learn a simple process for successfully [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Getting the Best Offer with Steve Conwell

George Grombacher November 21, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Steve-Conwell-FINAL.mp3 Getting the Best Offer with Steve Conwell LifeBlood: We talked about getting the best offer for your business, driving value and making your business as attractive as possible to borrowers, the emotional component in the this process, and why failure to take all variables into consideration can lead to [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Sustainable Innovation with Olivia Herron

George Grombacher November 3, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Olivia-Herron-FINAL.mp3 Sustainable Innovation with Olivia Herron LifeBlood: We talked about finding sustainable innovation, how to go from idea to revenue, what to do after a successful launch, and what to do when you have a terrible idea, with Olivia Herron, GM of Innovation with SamCart.        Listen to learn a good [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Dream Big with Liz Elting

George Grombacher November 3, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Liz-Elting-FINAL.mp3 Dream Big with Liz Elting LifeBlood: We talked about how to dream big and find the success you desire, the value of starting with the end in mind, developing grit and weathering difficult times, and what it means to turn passion into purpose, with Liz Elting, CoFounder of a [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Buying Time with Ethan Bull

George Grombacher October 25, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Ethan-Bull-FINAL.mp3 Buying Time with Ethan Bull LifeBlood: We talked about buying time through bringing on support staff, the difference between virtual assistants and executive assistants, how much these services cost, and how to get the most out of it, with Ethan Bull, CoFounder of ProAssisting.        Listen to learn when you’re [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Taking Action with Erin Marcus

George Grombacher October 21, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Erin-Marcus-FINAL.mp3 Taking Action with Erin Marcus LifeBlood: We talked about the necessity of taking action, making business decisions based on the life you want, knowing what needs to be done and making sure you’re willing and able to do it, and finding your zone of genius, with Erin Marcus, Founder [...]
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Entrepreneurship Podcast post

Leveraging Technology with Steve Miksta

George Grombacher October 6, 2023

http://lifeblood.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Steve-Miksta-FINAL.mp3 Leveraging Technology with Steve Miksta LifeBlood: We talked about leveraging technology, the dangers of too much information, what you need to focus on and prioritize in order to create effective processes, the role intent plays in selecting and implementing software, and how to get started, with Steve Miksta, Founder [...]