As busy people, we are constantly at war.
The battlefield? Our daily lives. On one side of the conflict, people like you and me. On the other side, social media, online shopping, fantasy football, and all the other modern luxuries that pull us in every different direction. And what’s at stake? Our limited resources…time, attention, and money.
The Strive online bootcamp will help detox your mind, body and money.
During this two-week online bootcamp, you’ll take control and win the battle for your limited resources. Built on a foundation of your most important goals, this immersive course is designed to give you the tools to take control and detox your mind, body and money. You’ll complete an hour of self-paced pre-work leading up to the two-week program. From there, the Strive Journal and daily videos will guide your progress.
Enroll here.
Enroll for the overview session here.