Health Podcast Post

Rethinking Viruses with Dr. Tom Cowan

George Grombacher December 22, 2023

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Rethinking Viruses with Dr. Tom Cowan

LifeBlood: We talked about rethinking viruses, what causes sickness, taking an evidence-based approach to wellness, and answering the question of whether or not sick people make healthy people sick, with Dr. Tom Cowan, alternative medicine visionary.       

Listen to learn about what existing research and studies actually tell us about viruses!

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Our Guests

George Grombacher

Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Tom Cowan

Episode Transcript

george grombacher 0:02
Dr. Tom Cowan is a visionary in alternative medicine with decades of experience in natural and alternative healing, and he’s a best selling author six times over. Welcome to the show, Tom.

Dr. Tom Cowan 0:12
Thanks. Good to be here.

george grombacher 0:15
excited to have you on. Tell us a little about your personal lives more about your work and why you do what you do.

Dr. Tom Cowan 0:24
I live in upstate New York with have a small little farm mostly vegetables and fruit raised chickens, have some goats and a bunch of cats. Why I do what I do, it seems obvious that somebody has to tell the truth about medicine and biology. And while I don’t pretend to know what always is true, I focus on what isn’t true. And hopefully, if you do enough of that, then you figure out what all these things that are claimed aren’t true. So then you’re left with wondering what actually is going on here? Was there a time away? God is one of the biggest revelations of my life, is that you don’t actually need to know what is true to investigate whether something is true. And in fact, I would actually go so far as to say the essence of science is the investigation of claims. And the attempt to falsify claims. Somebody says this causes this or ribosomes are where protein is made in the cells. And you can investigate whether that’s true without knowing where the protein is made. Just like the example I use, if you ever look into why there’s clouds and how there’s rain, it’s very complicated because the water is heavier than the air and why the water clouds float around. Somebody comes along and says, I know why there’s rain, it’s elephants floating around in the sky, when they pee down. That’s what we get rain. So what you what I would do then is ask how high up are the elephants? How many elephants? What’s the density? Are they normal size elephants, et cetera? Not that I would believe them. But I want to know what the details of that claim, then I would get in a helicopter or an airplane go up. If I didn’t see a single elephant, I would then know that it’s not elephants that cause rain. And I still don’t know why there’s rain, but I know it’s not elephants. And by the way, that’s how I came to the understanding that nobody has shown that this thing called a virus actually exists. Doesn’t mean I know why people get sick, although I have a pretty good idea. But I but the claim is there’s a thing called the virus, it makes people sick. And that claim is easily proven to be false.

george grombacher 3:09
Please tell me how.

Dr. Tom Cowan 3:12
Well, there’s there’s five principles of virology. If if you go through the history, the first is that what the first one is the only one that people actually can see for themselves, which is the claim that sick people make well, people sick. In other words, you go around somebody who has a cold or the flu, and you get called or your child gets chickenpox, etc, with by being around somebody else can pox. And so the principle that underlies this whole claim, is that sick people make well, people sick, right? You agree with that? Yes. So it turns out, it’s a little more complicated, because, for instance, if you put a bunch of rats in a basement, and then the neck and somebody puts rat poison, and the next day 10 rats all have the same symptoms, right? In other words, people or animals with the same symptoms in the same place proves that they passed it from one to the other. Right? Okay, that’s the claim. So the 10 rats got all bleed to death. And that’s because they ate the rat poison the next day. 20 more rats ate the rat poison. They’re all dead. Next day, all 80 or so dogs eat the rat poison. So same symptoms, same time, same place. Clearly it isn’t because one rat made the other sick, right? Yes, so you hit so same with scurvy. For hundreds of years they would see one sailor after another gets sick. And they said it was something being passed from one sailor to the next. So they quarantined them and they all died. And then somebody gave them a lemon, and they got better because they had scurvy. So that when you are in a situation like that, where you cannot tell from your observation, whether there’s some common exposure or something else happening, or whether it in fact is the sick people, making other people sick, you have to do a scientific study, right? You have to do a study where every condition is the same, and you do controls, etc. And I’m here to tell you and your audience that myself and probably 20 Other researchers, medical doctors, scientists have looked through the medical literature to find one paper that’s properly done that shows that sick people make well, people sick. And I can confidently say that it is a fact that no such paper exists, not one. In fact, there are probably hundreds, but I know of at least 20 Going back to the Spanish flu, where they had people with the Spanish Flu coffin, in the face of well, people and sticks snapped up their nose and all the rest of it, not one got the Spanish flu, they proved that the most deadly so called infectious disease ever was not actually contagious. proved it. So until somebody shows me a proper study showing that sick people make well, people sick, it is a fact that that is not true, whether you like it or believe it or not. So that’s the first foundation of virology. So then they took even though that I mean, I don’t know why anybody would investigate further, but they did. And they took the filterable portion. In other words, let’s say you had a polio, right? They said it was infectious disease. They took the spine of some child who had polio, they ground it up, and they filtered it. And they said the liquid part is where this agent is. And so they expose that to different animals and different people. Not one got sick. And then they proved that polio was a transmissible agent, by taking that filterable part, right you with me? They ground up the spine filter that got all the liquid, injected that into the brain of two different monkeys didn’t do a control. One monkey died, the other guy paralyzed, that proved that polio was a transmissible disease. Now, I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t prove anything to me. Except monkeys don’t like to be injected in their brains with unspecified goop from somebody who’s sick. Right? And then, so that’s step two, no study has ever showed that the filterable part of a sick person makes any animal or person sick. And when I talk like this, I, I’m not interested in actually people’s opinion. Well, I don’t think you’re right. I, they need to send me this study that shows that that’s true. And after four years, and as you say, all the people criticizing me, yet we still don’t have a study. Now, the next one is, well, but Tom, they’ve isolated these viruses, right? There’s 10,000 papers, that the title is The isolation of herpes virus, HIV, SARS Cove to measles, smallpox, etc. How can you say it’s not? Well, the question is, how did they isolate it? Now, let me just walk you through this quickly. If I said to you, George, I want you to prove that there’s a hammer, and what and then show me what it’s made of, and what it does. So the first step is you have to go and get the hammer, right? So my guess is you’d go to the place, I call it the ecosystem, where you would expect to find a hammer like a toolbox. Right? You look in there, you pull out the hammer, and now you have only the hammer. Then you can do an analysis, find out what it’s made of. Then you can bang a nail and see if the nail goes in. Right? Then you can do a control you can do like this with your arm and see if the nail goes in and probably it won’t because you don’t have the hammer, you can do that with a frog. Do you know if there’s a frog, you go to a pond, you fish out the frog, you have only a frog and then you can dissect the frog find out what it’s made of see if it eats flies, whatever, you best to do that before you kill the frog. So, so that is how we understand isolation, separation of one thing from all other things. That is the first step in letting you analyze it and find out what it does. You with me? Yes. Okay, it is a fact confirmed by CDC, NIH, Robert Koch Institute, etc, that not once in the history of the last 120 years, has any virus thing that would be called the virus, any physical entity been isolated in the way I just described from any fluid or tissue of any animal, plant or person. And everybody agrees with that. You cannot go to the chickenpox lesion, the snot from somebody with COVID, so called the measles, mucus, HIV, lymph node, whatever, and find the virus there. And everybody agrees, even though you can find things that size and that complexity, and even smaller, so it’s not a it’s not a technical problem. And when you ask them, Why can’t you find it in the place where you say it is? They say, Well, Tom, there’s not enough to find. And then they turn around and say, there’s 100 million in a sneeze. So how many do you have to have in order to find it in your lungs? They don’t know. So the question then is, if they’ve never isolated it like that, which is, as as we said, the first step in studying a hammer, you don’t take the toolbox and grind it up and say, now you know what a hammer is made of? Right? That’s ridiculous. So what they do is they take snot from somebody who’s sick. They put that on a cell culture, they don’t filter it, they don’t centrifuge it. They don’t purify anything. They put that on growing cells, they add antibiotics, which are poisonous to the cells, they take away the food that’s that the cells used to grow on, they add calf fetal calf serum, which is sucked out from the cart of a newborn calf. And then if the cells die, they say they have isolated a virus. I don’t know if you heard what I just said. But that is a goofy definition. And when we did a control set gonna say don’t do a control, because they can’t, because they can’t do the same thing without the virus because they say they can’t find the virus. So we did a control we did the all those steps, cell culture, antibiotics, fetal calf serum, take away the nutrients, but we didn’t add anything from anybody who was sick. And the cells died proving there’s a virus, even though there was nothing from a virus anywhere. And all we’ve done is ask them, show me a paper that has that level of controls, and there is no paper.

So that’s step three. Step four is they say they have electron microscope pictures, but there are paper after paper showing the breakdown of kidney cells and long cells and all different other kinds of tissue, which look exactly like that. Pictures they say are viruses, meaning nobody has ever shown that an electron microscope picture is actually a virus. So that’s number four. Number five is they say they have the genome of the virus. But I asked you how do you know you have the genome this nucleic acids, DNA and RNA came from something which you’ve never seen. If I if you go out in the woods and find a piece of a toenail, and you say that’s from a invisible flying unicorn, somebody would ask you, can you show me the unicorn and show me that this toenail came from the unicorn and only the unicorn? And you would say no You have to, you have to trust me that it’s only from a unicorn. Oh, why should I trust you that it’s only from a unicorn, you have to show the unicorn first and they’ve never shown the virus. So they have no idea that a quote, virus even has a genome, how would you know it has a genome if you’ve never actually had a pure virus in the first place. So anyways, those are the five steps. It’s after four years, nobody has proved any of those steps to be incorrect. Therefore, whether anybody believes it likes it accepts it or not, it is a fact that there is where we stand in November 27 2023, is nobody has shown the existence of a virus, therefore, every attempt has failed. And therefore, we have to presume that this thing called the virus simply does not exist. They made it up.

george grombacher 16:09
People get sick, people get sick, what causes the sickness? So

Dr. Tom Cowan 16:16
number one, I told you in the beginning, that just because I know it’s not a virus, doesn’t necessarily mean I know why they get sick. And actually, that takes a longer explanation, because so we and I would really encourage people, the scientific method is falsifying claims. And I can tell you, I’ve because I’ve talked to hundreds of people about this, until people really wrap their mind around the fact that there is no virus, they can’t understand why people get sick. And part of the reason is, we have misinterpreted sickness in the first place. So let me give you an example with a question. So you get a splinter in your finger, right? You don’t take it out, because you don’t feel like it. What happens next, you get pus. Right? Is that, quote, an infection, meaning a sickness? Is that passed? Is that is that a sickness? Aid? Or is it a therapeutic attempt by your body?

george grombacher 17:30
The Plus is a therapeutic attempt.

Dr. Tom Cowan 17:34
So it’s not a sickness? No, it’s a response to

george grombacher 17:38
something injured on common. Yes.

Dr. Tom Cowan 17:41
Right. So we already have a problem that the medical profession that people that I learned with, because I’m a medical doctor, I learned pass means infection means bacteria means kill it. And you can already see from that simple example, that is not so simple like that. Right? So somebody gets a cough, right? That’s pus, mucus, you know, all that crappy stuff in your lungs. Right? So what happened there, you put debris in your lungs, like could be cigarette smoke, could be, you know, stuff, they spray in the air, like, there’s lots of stuff in the air, like, like in China and Northern Italy and New York City. And then what do you do? You try to cough it up. And I was taught, that’s a sickness called bronchitis. In fact, if you use the same thinking, and I would ask the question, what would you do if you are this person’s body? And you breathe in a bunch of toxic debris? Well, I can tell it off it up. Right? Yes. Is that a sickness? Or is that the body’s attempt to heat to heal?

george grombacher 19:01
Right? Yes, it is the body’s attempt to expel something that’s the ought not be there.

Dr. Tom Cowan 19:06
Right. So now we have a problem with bronchitis and pneumonia. Because they’re not actually sicknesses. So the question, what causes people to get sick is already looking funny. Because we misinterpret the sickness, which is really the therapeutic response as the problem when it’s actually the solution. Now, here’s the thing. If, if they’re right, and the problem is you have an infection, which by the way, you can’t prove, because you’ve never they’ve never done a study set taking a virus which they can’t find, or a bacteria which they can find. But if they put a pure bacteria and spray it on you, nothing happens. And if you don’t believe me Send me a study showing an isolated bacteria which you can have where you can find, and you can culture them has made any animal person sick. Because for years and 20 researchers, we can’t find it. Because that’s not the role of bacteria in nature. They eat dead and dying tissue. Right? That’s what that’s what bacteria and fungus do. You go to the forest, he cut down a tree, it starts rotting the bacteria live on it. You don’t say that trees have an infection? No, you don’t. Right? You say that the micro organisms are doing their job recycling nature. So you get some toxic influence could be your thoughts. It could be chemicals, it could be bad food, could be a lot of things. It’s the you know, there’s a lot of ways we can get sick. That’s why it’s not an straightforward question, then your tissue breaks down. And then the bacteria come to live on the dead and dying tissue. They blame that on the bacteria. And then they kill the bacteria. And if I’m if I’m right, what that will lead to is the accumulation of dead tissue in your lungs. Right, because you tried to get it out and they stopped you and that we call cancer. Now, if you look at any culture, as soon as they adapted this so called germ theory, which should really be re named the disproven germ hypothesis, they then they kill the germs. So the pneumonia goes down, right, the symptoms, and the lung cancer goes way up. Every single one. Why? Because that’s exactly what you would expect to happen. If you don’t recycle the debris in the forest, you get a clogged up sick, dying dead forest full of unraveling trees. That’s what happens in your lungs in your breast and all the other places, just the accumulation of toxic debris that the unfortunate people who call themselves doctors, because they’re mistaken about the nature of illness, they misinterpret that. And every single intervention is geared towards thwarting your body’s attempt to heal. That’s the only thing they know. And I used to do that. I mean, I, I didn’t really do it, because I caught on to it while I was in medical school, but I mean, that’s how I was trying to think it’s ludicrous

george grombacher 23:07
that that’s very compelling.

Dr. Tom Cowan 23:10
What a lot of people get sick?

george grombacher 23:15
Well, no, no, I

Dr. Tom Cowan 23:17
mean, they breathe, it depends on toxic shit or

george grombacher 23:20
in something foreign enters my body that my body doesn’t like and it attempts to expel the foreign thing. And then I go to the doctor and they give me antibiotics or something like that, that then kill the bacteria that was acting in my benefit. The accumulation of dead bacteria then leads to cancer.

Dr. Tom Cowan 23:38
Not dead bacteria, the bacteria, you thwarted their attempt to help your body get rid of the poison. So you got all this poisonous dead tissue. Okay, the tissue. So now you do know why people get sick. I

george grombacher 23:54
do. What about what about? What about rabies or sexually transmitted? Give

Dr. Tom Cowan 24:03
me a definition of rabies.

george grombacher 24:05
I don’t have a definition of rabies. I neither do the vets. So from my perspective, it is a an animal, let’s say a domestic house dog that has never acted aggressively starts demonstrating foaming at the mouth, whether they actually do that or not. But very, very aggressive, abnormal behavior from the dog’s perspective and the 10 years that it’s lived in my house. Maybe it went out in the backyard, something happened to it, it got sick. It bites me. I then could get rabies. Or I go make a bad decision. I’m out at the bar. Down here in Old Town Scottsdale. I meet somebody we get together have unprotected sex. I then start to experience burning when I urinate and I’ve somehow contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

Dr. Tom Cowan 24:55
So number one, if people think that rabies is caused by a virus, which they do, then and I have looked extensively for a study, finding a particle, the thing called a rabies virus in any fluid of any animal that allegedly has rabies, and I can guarantee all my listeners out there, there is no such study. They have never found a rabies virus, they have never isolated a rabies virus. Therefore, they’ve never done an experiment with a rabies virus to show that it causes anything, because they’ve never even shown it exists. Okay. Okay. Number two, they can’t give you a definition of what the disease actually is. So is it foaming at the mouth? Well, some animals foaming at the mouth, others don’t. Some act aggressive, others don’t. So there’s no definition of this disease, which is itself weird, because how do you do a study on something you can’t define? Okay. Now, let me ask you another thing. So here’s the observation. This animal who’s acting strangely, bites me and I get sick. Right? Yes, that’s the only part of this story that any person has observed. They’ve never observed a rabies virus. They’ve never tried to isolate it. They’ve never observed a genome. The average person only thinks you know, I have this animal was acting funny. I got bit I got sick. Now, again, if you got if you want to make a claim that if somebody hits you in the head with a hammer, it’s going to make your head hurt and a dent. Right? Yes. Okay, George, I’m going to prove it to you. I in a wacky with my toolbox in the head. There. I proved that you that that hammers if you hit somebody with it on the head with a hammer you Is that true or No? No. Why not? There’s a hammer, I think in the toolbox. Right? Good, man. Anything else? Okay, is there anything else in a angry dogs bite? That might make somebody sick? 100%. Like enzymes, I mean, dogs can digest a whole rabbit.

george grombacher 27:36
Right? They eat lots of terrible

Dr. Tom Cowan 27:38
things. Yeah, they have strong enzymes. How about fear that makes people sick, you can prove that it is a terrifying experience to get bitten by a really angry dog. I don’t know if you’ve ever had that. I’ve

george grombacher 27:56
just heard that rabies will kill you. So I’d be I’d be really scared myself. Yes.

Dr. Tom Cowan 28:01
So we have terror. We have the we have physical maturation of your tissue we have in the injection into your body of very potent enzymes. Right? Like I didn’t say that getting bitten by a snake doesn’t, you know, that can make you sick too. And most it turns out, if you actually do the studies, which I’ve actually gone and looked at them, even then most people don’t die, except when they have the rabies vaccine and the rabies treatment and then they die. Okay. Now, you can’t prove that it’s a virus from being bitten by a dog right? Now, any more than you can say it’s it’s a hammer, if you get hit with a toolbox. So if you say it’s a a specific claim, you’ve got to find that virus in that saliva. And I can tell your listeners right now, if anybody thinks I’m wrong, send me the study showing they’ve isolated the virus easy to do, every virology lab can do found the virus in the saliva of one animal. I will publicly go on your show and say I was incorrect. Because I am 100%. Sure that doesn’t exist.

george grombacher 29:35
Same scenario, same conversation with the chlamydia.

Dr. Tom Cowan 29:40
So is the only thing that happens if you have sex with somebody a, a that you contacted a virus which by the way you can’t find in their vaginal secretions. Is that the only thing that could have possibly happened there? Of course There’s no friction, there’s no emotional thing. There’s no conflicts, there’s no nothing. There’s no intimacy issues, there’s nothing but a virus. Is that true? Now

george grombacher 30:16
certainly, there’s a unknown number of additional variables that could be present in that scenario.

Dr. Tom Cowan 30:23
And so when you’re faced with that situation, you have to do a proper study showing, if you have these people who are sick, and they have physical contact, like they’ve done it with, with AIDS, and they’ve done it with other sexually transmitted disease. Let me make another claim to your, to your listeners, show me one study showing that any sexually transmitted disease is communicable. And I will come back and say that I’m wrong.

george grombacher 30:55
There’s no studies that actually prove it.

Dr. Tom Cowan 30:59
There are, there are studies that show that people have symptoms, but they can’t shake, demonstrate that it’s a virus, or that it’s communicable in the way that an infectious disease would be. And if they did controls, they find that it’s not. Now there’s a very interesting story was with syphilis, which has been investigates like the granddaddy of sexually transmitted diseases, in the 1800s, especially in prostitutes, it was rampant. So they basically took up women who had a lesion, these were prostitutes, and they often would have lesions just from, you know, too much sexual activity. And they said, Oh, that’s this bacteria. And we’re going to treat it with mercury, because that was the treatment for syphilis. Turns out Mercury concentrates in the vaginal secretions. So the next guy comes along, and he has sex with her, and the mercury causes lesions on his penis. And then the, the, the, the Merc, then he goes to the doctor gets Mercury treatment tube, which then concentrates in the semen. So he has sex with the next woman, and she gets lesions in her vagina, because of mercury poisoning. And this went spread all throughout Europe, because they treated everybody with mercury. And if you look at the symptoms of syphilis, there’s like four stages, and then put it next to the symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning. It is exactly the same. So sometimes it’s difficult to figure out like what happened here, like you wouldn’t necessarily know that, that but that was what was happening. They were poisoning people with mercury, and that was being essentially exposed on down the line. So you could say is that communicable? I mean, sort of, right? Because you’re, you’re having a physical contact with a toxin, which we know creates those symptoms.

george grombacher 33:25
Fascinating stuff. Lots of very, very thought provoking things. And you’ve given us a step by step reasoning for why it is that you feel the way that you feel, and I can’t, I can’t agree more with the importance of it, just because you don’t know something to be definitively true does not mean that it’s accurate. So what what was the thing that you told us at the top? The most you don’t have to know what is

Dr. Tom Cowan 33:55
true, but he’s you think about is, is, is to investigate claims. This is caused by this. You don’t have to know what causes it to to investigate a claim that is the essence of logical, rational, scientific thinking. And that’s what we don’t have. We assume there’s got to be a virus and then there’s they go from there. We assume it’s transmitted between people or animals. And we go from there. That is the foundational claim. You don’t have to say, you know, people say, Well, how come my Aunt Bessie got sick? You that’s not part of the conversation. That is a irrational anti scientific response to that inquiry.

george grombacher 34:49
Excellent. Well, Tom, thank you so much for coming on. Where can people learn more about you? How can they dig deeper into your work?

Dr. Tom Cowan 34:57
The best place is Dr. Tom I’m counting Excellent. And we have all kinds of things happening there.

george grombacher 35:06
Well, if you enjoyed this as much as I did so Dr. Tom, your appreciation and share today’s show with a friend who also appreciates good ideas, go to Dr. Tom And explore deeper into what we’ve been talking about today. And the more that we can dig into it ourselves and make up our own minds about things I think the better off that we will be. Thanks again, Tom.

Dr. Tom Cowan 35:31
All right jar. Take care.

george grombacher 35:34
Until next time, remember, do your part by doing your best

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George Grombacher

George Grombacher

Episode Transcript

george grombacher 16:00
So if I want my iPhone, and my Tesla and my Bitcoin to work, we need to get the metal out of the ground.

Pierre Leveille 16:07
Absolutely. Without it, we cannot do it.

george grombacher 16:13
Why? Why is there a Why has production been going down.

Pierre Leveille 16:21
Because the large mines that are producing most of the copper in the world, the grades are going down slowly they’re going there, they’re arriving near the end of life. So and of life of mines in general means less production. And in the past, at least 15 years, the exploration expenditure for copper were pretty low, because the price of copper was low. And when the price is low, companies are tending to not invest more so much in exploration, which is what we see today. It’s it’s, it’s not the way to look at it. Because nobody 15 years ago was able to predict that there would be a so massive shortage, or it’s so massive demand coming. But in the past five years, or let’s say since the since 10 years, we have seen that more and more coming. And then the by the time you react start exploring and there’s more money than then ever that is putting in put it in expression at the moment for copper at least. And what we see is that the it takes time, it could take up to 2025 years between the time you find a deposit that it gets in production. So but but the year the time is counted. So it’s it’s very important to so you will see company reopening old mines, what it will push also, which is not bad, it will force to two, it will force to find a it will force to find ways of recalibrating customer, you know the metals, that will be more and more important.

george grombacher 18:07
So finding, okay, so for lack of a better term recycling metals that are just sitting around somewhere extremely important. Yeah. And then going and going back to historic minds that maybe for lack of technology, or just lack of will or reasons, but maybe now because there’s such a demand, there’s an appetite to go back to those.

Pierre Leveille 18:33
Yes, but there will be a lot of failures into that for many reasons. But the ones that will be in that will resume mining it’s just going to be a short term temporary solution. No it’s it’s not going to be you need to find deposit that will that will operate 50 years you know at least it’s 25 to 50 years at least and an old mind that you do in production in general it’s less than 10 years.

george grombacher 19:03
Got it. Oh there we go. Up here. People are ready for your difference making tip What do you have for them

Pierre Leveille 19:14
You mean an investment or

george grombacher 19:17
whatever you’re into, you’ve got so much life experience with raising a family and doing business all over the world and having your kids go to school in Africa so a tip on copper or whatever you’re into.

Pierre Leveille 19:34
But there’s two things I like to see and I was telling my children many times and I always said you know don’t focus on what will bring you specifically money don’t think of Getting Rich. Think of doing what you what you like, what you feel your your your your your, you know you have been born to do so use your most you skills, do what you like, do what you wet well, and good things will happen to you. And I can see them grow in their life. And I can tell you that this is what happens. And sometimes you have setback like I had recently. But if we do things properly, if we do things that we like, and we liked that project, we were very passionate about that project, not only me, all my team, and if we do things properly, if we do things correctly, good things will happen. And we will probably get the project back had to go forward or we will find another big project that will be the launch of a new era. So that’s my most important tip in life. Do what you like, do it with your best scale and do it well and good things will happen.

george grombacher 20:49
Pierre Leveille 21:03
Thank you. I was happy to be with you to today.

george grombacher 21:06
Damn, tell us the websites and where where people can connect and find you.

Pierre Leveille 21:13
The it’s Deep South So pretty simple.

george grombacher 21:18
Perfect. Well, if you enjoyed this as much as I did show up here your appreciation and share today’s show with a friend who also appreciate good ideas, go to deep south resources, calm and learn all about what they’re working on and track their progress.

Pierre Leveille 21:32
Thanks. Thanks, have a nice day.

george grombacher 21:36
And until next time, keep fighting the good fight. We’re all in this together.

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