Come on will I put this George G in the time is right welcome today’s guest strong and powerful. Jeremy covered check. Jeremy, are you ready to do this?
Jeremie Kubicek 0:19
Let’s do it. GEORGE fired up.
george grombacher 0:21
Let’s go. Jeremy is the Executive Chairman of giant, their tech company focused on unlocking the potential of people, teams and organizations. He’s an entrepreneur, thought leader, and a best selling author. Jeremy, tell us a little about your personal life smart about your work and why you do what you do.
Jeremie Kubicek 0:40
Yeah, so I’ve spent my life I’ve lived in Russia, I’ve lived in Atlanta, London, and Oklahoma City doesn’t all go together. But they do. Right. So I’m from Oklahoma, but I’ve lived my life in a way that how do I actually get people healthy, and then teach them to multiply the health to the people that they lead. And that’s what I do. I help people.
george grombacher 1:01
Nice. That’s that. That is that is a very succinct way to describe it. So thank you for that. And had a giant come to be.
Jeremie Kubicek 1:12
I started in 2002, right before I got hit by a drunk driver in a hurricane in Cancun. And it had a big eye, big G i A and T. And as soon as we get hit, almost died, have long story there. And when I came back from Mexico to actually start the startup, we squash the eye to a little eye. So giant is a big G and little AI stands for humility, not pride. I think a lot of the pride was knocked out of me. And so the idea was actually how do you help people learn how to develop them, and teach them to develop others. And so we did that in 2002. We then bought companies like John Maxwell’s assets used to own that the leader cast started the leader cast Brand Catalyst conferences, all these different events and partnerships with thought leaders. And then somewhere around 2012, I woke up realizing that 21st Century Learning wasn’t seminars and books that was not the trajectory. And I started playing with 21st century learning, and how to cynical note all adults who don’t read anymore, how do they learn? So that’s where I’m at?
george grombacher 2:30
And have you figured it out?
Jeremie Kubicek 2:33
Yes, I have figured it out. It’s unbelievably simple. You have to it’s it’s an unbelievably hard to get there. We created content for an educated 13 year olds, and the educated 13 year olds is the secret to scaling inside. corporations, companies teams, because you there’s so much time, you don’t have much time because everyone is making the donuts, they’re serving their customers, they’re doing the work there. It’s just the habitual process of just work, right. So training and learning is not an off site. Maybe you can do that. But that’s there’s there’s dynamics that can happen while you’re working. So the idea is, while you’re working on other tools, we’ve we created about 70 or so visual tools that are almost like tattoos on your brain, you see the tool, it creates objective language, that language produces an opportunity to correct or become self aware. And then you can look at it as a mirror, and then you see the broccoli in your teeth. You take the broccoli out yourself, that’s called self awareness. Then when you help other people take the broccoli out, that’s where you start developing them, all you have to do is show them the tool, the visual, and the visual can be drawn on a piece of equipment and a greasy manufacturing line, which I’ve seen, or it can be written on a cocktail napkin, or it can be drawn on a whiteboard. But it’s a really powerful tool done in a very fast way. And it’s the way that adults learn because of these little devices that we have that were so visual, that everything has got to be succinct.
george grombacher 4:21
Is it literally image of something? Yes. So it’s, it’s,
Jeremie Kubicek 4:27
there’s images, infinity loops, there’s squares, there’s certain images, and then there’s words associated with the image and a process associated with it. So it literally is a visual tool. It’s not like the complex leadership jargon tools. It’s really simple. It’s also like phrase it could be a phrase like, be interested before being interesting. Simple little phrase right? relationship before opportunity. It stays with you when you start thinking call people up, not call people out. So those are the types of things that work at home with kids. But they also work with a team. And they’re easier to go Yeah, call people that oh my gosh, I’m calling him out on a, how do I call them up? How do I propel them up. So it’s that type of physiology tools set, if you will. And then our My business is simply a certified coaches and consultants to add this to their repertoire. And a very low cost way, they just add giant into their, if they’re already, or if they’re a part time coach or want to be a coach. They can do it on the side. And it’s a really fascinating, almost like, amateur psychologist meets leadership meets apprenticeship type of process.
george grombacher 5:59
And so you’ve developed a toolkit, a suite of these models, images, different.
Jeremie Kubicek 6:09
And yet we have we’ve created work on power tools and precision tools, depending on what you’re doing with them. And, but it’s in an operating system. So we basically have a software operating system. So there’s a coaching dashboard that uses the tools to coach people if that’s what you want to do. We have something called altitude training. And it’s leaders who lead people we call them Sherpa. Sherpa. Other mentality is that you have to perform and help others perform. So the Sherpa have to be the healthiest people in the room. On Mount Everest, you don’t want to follow an asthmatic Sherpa up the mountain, right? There’s no There’s it’s just not you don’t want Sherpas smoking packs of cigarettes. But that’s the problem with leaders as most of them are, are not healthy. And the leader needs to be the healthiest person on the team. Ideally, so that’s the that’s the mindset is, but we have d AI, we have all types of you know, real issues, but we’ve giant ties them and put them into tools, so that the conversations and the action and speed of learning happen faster. And it’s just a 21st century style of learning. The 20th century we’re finishing it and COVID really, really affected it. It COVID the benefits of COVID Is it forced technology to become more mainstream. But it also some of the learning styles and some of the things that are naturally happening and evolving towards, we’re just moving to them faster. And we believe that we are on to the learning style of the future. And it’s being adapted and put into the water stream faster now because of COVID. So,
george grombacher 8:04
yeah, that that makes a lot of sense to me. You mentioned educated 13 year old, and maybe I missed how that all plays in is that what this is sort of you proven that it works on a 13 year old, therefore it can work on a dummy like me kind of thing.
Jeremie Kubicek 8:18
That’s it? Yes. And I’m not saying you’re a dummy, but I’m saying she George, she can get it now. But it’s true. You know, you think about like inside an organization. The complexities like take Harvard, Harvard is awesome. But the Harvard content is called cul de sac warning. It’s awesome in the cul de sac. But a lot of people don’t know how to take it and transfer it. Like if I if I read a Harvard article right now, and I’m contemplating it, I might use it. But if I try to train you, and then you train someone else, and they train someone else, it will not get very far. Because unless we were all in the cul de sac together, and we learned it together in the same room. And we had the same competency in the same interests and so on so forth. But if I said this Yes, George, like the best leaders in the world bring high support and high challenge. Alright, hi support high challenge. What does support mean? What is challenge me? And then I say so what’s your tendency? When you think of your kids? Do you bring too much support? Oh, you might bring support to one and not enough challenge to another or you bring too much challenged not enough support to the other. So support with no challenge means enabling or protecting. Challenge with no support means domination. But high support high challenge is to liberate it’s to empower not overpower. Why can train that in visual I can train it on a cocktail napkin or whiteboard. And I can get a 13 year old to understand. Here’s what support looks like. Here’s what challenge looks like. So where are you at? So when you teach something to that level, it has the chance to spread and sprawl. So we get the opportunity to work with Google we work with, like Leidos, and Pfizer in the US Air Force, and they train on these tools, because they scale so much faster, because it’s like a language. And it’s a objective language. It’s not subjective. Because subjectivity is where all drama comes from. If I’m like, you know, George, you need to step it up, man. Are we cool? I mean, I need you to, like get the next level, right. I mean, what does that mean? Or, you know, sometimes your leadership just like, yeah, that’s just jargon. But if I go, Hey, George, I’m noticing like, where here’s the mirror sport challenge. Where are you right now? What are you noticing about your leadership with your team? Or do you think that they would put you on the sport challenge page? So I’ve given you now language and Amir? And you can answer it. And it has more, it has more action tied to it, because we agree to the same language?
george grombacher 11:13
I absolutely love it. So the support piece comes in where you’re holding this mirror up to me, and let’s just go with leadership skills. And I say, Okay, we have Well, now that you’re showing me this, it does seem like I am I am deficient or not quite up to par where where I want to be as a leader, the support is here the tools or how can you help me? Skill up level up?
Jeremie Kubicek 11:41
Yep. So the first part is self awareness. So are you aware you have broccoli in your teeth? And then once you do, then that language is and then I just can I can give some challenge. So if if you know that I’m for you, then I would say that hey, Georgina, I’m 40. Right? Well, that means challenges about the company. If you know them for you, and I’m fighting for your highest possible good, then I’m going to show you where you’re undermining your influence. And but I can show you through a tool. Now if I show you through the tool, it’s like a mirror. And I can pick any one of these tools here. And I know this is on podcast, but these are some of the tools. This is an infinity loop. I can take that visual and there’s words attached to it. And there’s basically I can say, so let’s go and do a tendency log here. So what’s your tendencies? George? have a tendency to exaggerate. Yeah. Okay. So when do you do it? Why do you do it? When I’m trying to prove myself? Okay, and what do you normally do? Add three to the conversation? And what are the what are the consequences? People sometimes don’t believe me? And what’s that reality? They may not trust the words I say, alright, so you will always have a tendency to exaggerate. That’s okay. So just know it. So well, then when it’s about to happen. You’ve changed your actions, you can’t change your tenancy. You can change your actions. Don’t add three, don’t add three, don’t add three. Got it, just tell the truth. There’s five, not eight, there’s five. So that’s just an example of that. What we do is and I have found I have 29 tendencies that I’ve found, through this tendency, log this this little tool, but you take that tool, and you can you can play with it with other tools, and you can overlay them. And then I’m like, Huh, why don’t I do that? When do I do that? What could I do different and when am I going to do it? And you create this opportunity for learning to happen that didn’t happen in a seminar or retreat once a year it happened in your team meeting. Or it happened on the way home
so I have this little I have a little process that I do to manage myself. Which you cool if I share it, please. Alright, so it’s every night before I get to bed I figured out because I’m a feeler and my emotions can sometimes get they can get wrinkled I can get overwhelmed by a thought or a feeling or a negative can command and I can get I can lead to irrational thought it’s not true just get all worked up. I know that about myself so to manage myself every almost every night I didn’t do it last night for whatever reason but almost every night I pick a theme for me over me theme might be eradicate negativity. theme might be enjoy. It’s just a theme. And I I’m basically putting it into my brain so that my subconscious because my my conscious goes asleep but my subconscious stays awake. My brain is awake all night dreams, but it’s putting all the files that have been opened by my brain consciously, so I put a theme over me. So there’s a little bit more peace. I’ve sleep better. So that theme then starts going to work and my subconscious starts getting in order. When I wake up, I’m like, huh, yeah, eradicate negativity. That was my theme. I’ve already planted a seed for the morning. And then I do a call up exercise in the morning, I do a little workout routine, but I call myself up, not out. And it’s not cheesy. It’s not like Stuart Smalley kind of thing. It’s like, you know, Doug gonna people like me, it’s not that it’s just more of like, Hey, dude, come on, man. You’re remember, and I don’t I don’t get to email, emails or other people’s agendas. So I don’t let other people’s agendas set the tone for my day. So I don’t look at email until after I’ve gotten coffee. So anyway, so I workout workout do this little call up exercise on like Jeremy yearly liberated your freedom fighter. You You have to be you’re the healthiest guy in the room, whatever that is. And I’m getting my my calling myself into my identity, who I am. Then I go out throughout my day, and then at 530 I do this exercise. It’s that I stole it from the sounds bad. They stole it from the Jesuits. But I stole it from the Jesuits, they examine. But I took some of it. And I made it kind of simple. I do I exercise wherever I’m driving, or wherever I am at 530. Every day, I do what was what were the highlights of the day? What am I thankful for? What are the big things that happened? I’m grateful for two. So far as it depends on me. Is there any negativity or anything that happened today that I need to work on? And yesterday, I’m like, Why did I kind of wake up in a weird mood? But really, I was fine. So I didn’t really have anything yesterday. And then, but sometimes I do. Why am I’m frustrated with them? Was it me or them? Now always start with me. Then the third piece is I look at tomorrow. And I get organized. And I think about my day and I prepare for it. And I process it almost visualize the day. And I’m done. And then I go to bed and I’m my evenings are really peaceful. Because I process stuff. Then I set a tone a theme for the night for my brain to do the work. So that when I wake up in the morning, I’m usually very peaceful, then I call myself up into it, which then my day is pretty peaceful. So I’ve been doing this routine and rhythm for about a year. It’s been a game changer. And it’s just, it gives me the ability to regulate myself to work on myself. But then I have this tool set. I can pull out at any time. And I’m like, Oh my gosh, I did what is that? What’s that tendency, but I don’t dominate myself. I liberate myself. I bring high support and high challenge to myself, because every time there’s some new learning about myself, I’m not dominating in putting myself down. Because I’m not calling myself out. I’m calling myself up. Make sense?
george grombacher 18:16
I love it. It does. That’s a great framework right there. I wonder what the Jesuits are gonna say when they hear that you stole this from?
Jeremie Kubicek 18:27
royalties? It’s got to be public something because one thing it’s like 1640 or something like that, surely by now probably. Yeah.
george grombacher 18:39
All right. So every time you pick a theme, what are some examples?
Jeremie Kubicek 18:47
Yeah, so again, eradicate, I want to eradicate negativity, I’m like, Well, I know I have this negativity around these people are thinking, so that’s like, I want negativity out of my life. I just want to enjoy life, I want to enjoy my work tomorrow. So that’s just the, you know, a theme. I, you know, I’ve had some where I’ve done, I’ve thought about my daughter, and I’m like, I want how do I support her, you know, as a theme, or it’s just you pick what is truly going on that you want to set right? Or, or you want to think about the next day, which is highly personal. You know, there’s there’s some personal things too. So
george grombacher 19:29
for sure. I love it. You know, we have these these supercomputers between our ears, right? But if we don’t take advantage of it if we’re not giving the right inputs or or denying the wrong inputs, like you’re talking about not not checking email, because that’s somebody else’s agenda. I think that’s a great way to put it. If we’re not using our brain the right way. Well, then we’re just, I mean, that’s okay. But there’s so many more opportunities to optimize To make things better. Absolutely,
Jeremie Kubicek 20:03
absolutely. So that’s the process.
george grombacher 20:05
I love it. Well, Jeremy, that was a really good one, the people are ready for your difference making tip, what do you have for them?
Jeremie Kubicek 20:13
You know, for the difference making tip is the idea that you can’t give what you don’t possess. Or said the positive way you give what you possess. So everything is that you can give comes from the overflow of you. And so you have to be healthy. When you’re healthy. You have more to give. So focus on health, in the overflow is what people will receive from you.
george grombacher 20:44
I think that that is great stuff that definitely gets Come on. Jerry, thank you so much for coming on. Where can people learn more about you? And how can they connect and get involved with giant?
Jeremie Kubicek 20:54
Yeah, so we’ve done something specifically for your audience. You can go to giant coach comm slash lifeblood. So giant coach comm slash lifeblood and if you’re interested, you can take a free our assessment called the five voices are helps you figure out what your voice is and who what people see you to be. That’s an interesting one. There. Also, you can find that information about getting certified or becoming a coach or consultant if you wanted to do this full time or part time or if you’re already a coach, you want to add this these tools to your repertoire. It’s a really great community of people around the world.
george grombacher 21:36
Awesome. If you enjoyed this as much as I did show Jeremy appreciation and share today’s show with a friend who also appreciate the good ideas go to giant and check out all the resources that Jeremy was just talking about and what a cool cool thing that you’ve created Jeremy and a really cool system and I’m excited personally to dig into it myself. So I skim the charts. Cheers. And until next time, keep fighting the good fight. We’re all in this together.
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