Growth seems to be a law of life.
We operate at our best in a positive, growth mindset.
We want our bodies to grow healthy.
We want our families to grow well, in their future
Even when we express our love to someone,
It is giving, expanding to the other person.
And, undoubtedly, as entrepreneurs we want our business to grow.
But it isn’t the sexy strategy
Or latest hack
That will allow you to actually grow.
To grow
Not only in your business
But in all areas of your life that matters to you
You must focus on
How you show up daily and execute
Moving one step closer to reach your growth goals.
Here’s an uncommon fact:
Most people will reach their goals…
… given they put in the consistent work to achieve them.
Showing up daily
Whether they feel like it or not.
The trouble with this is that as humans,
We exist in time
And we live through every passing moment
Staying consistent
Over time
Can become a struggle.
Which is why it’s important to focus on how we show up to our day.
Here is the key lesson that I give my clients
To succeed in their work
To have more peace of mind
To have more clarity
To work at their best
To lower stress levels
To be happier at work…
It’s called the 80/20 Day Optimization
It’s an exercise that we are going to do together right now.
Take out a piece of paper and pen.
From now on, your day will be broken down into 5 separate segments
- Your Morning Routine
- Your 80/20 Time
- Your Daily Work
- Your Build Up Time
- Your Evening & Night Routine
We are going to walk through this exercise
I encourage you to complete it
And also to improve upon it
Testing it in your day
Finding ways to make it better
To fit your lifestyle
And to not be discouraged if it doesn’t work out perfectly for the first week
Or month
But to continually improve upon how you show up daily.
Here is the 80/20 Day Optimization exercise
A framework that will allow you to create a MAP for your day.
Your Morning Routine:
You call the shots here,
What time you will wake up (daily)
If you meditate, pray
If you exercise or go for a walk
This is your time. You set the flow.
My only rule
Is you do NOT check the noise of the world (emails, notifications etc)
For your 80/20 TIme:
Here we will begin our work
To PUSH the most important projects you’re working on forward.
Ideal length for this segment is 2-3 hours.
In the morning.
While your energy levels are high
And your mind is alert.
Focusing on 1 to 3 important action items
To make progress on your goals.
My only rule here is you come prepared (I’ll show you how)
And you shut out the noise of the world.
Your Daily Work:
Here, now you can get your cortisol rush
Open that email
Open those messages
Turn on those notifications
Get your first intake for the day
And address the work of the day
Address the opportunities
Solve new problems
My only rule here
Is you have a SET TIME for when you take your meetings and calls
And be disciplined to only take calls during those times
If not, you will be at the mercy of someone else’s schedule
Sometimes it’s prudent to accommodate
But you’ll be surprised
that asking others to accommodate to your schedule
Isn’t that big of an ask.
Before we go to your Build Up time
Do another check on the world
Get that email intake
Look at those notifications
Your Build Up Time:
You’ve made it.
To the time that can take anywhere from 15 minutes
To 1 hour
Where you focus on recapping the day
Focus on preparing for tomorrow (including pre-scheduling your 80/20 time)
Prepping for tomorrow’s meetings
And also buffing up on research you need to do to best show up at your peak
For tomorrow
My only rule here is you quiet down your work notifications for the evening.
Limit your notification exposure for the evening.
Evening & Night Routine:
Do what you love
Focus on what is important to you
You set the rules here
My only advice here (not rule) is you be intentional with your focus
Intentional with your conversations
Intentional with your screen time
Because if you executed the day according to this 80/20 Map
You shouldn’t need to bleed your work over to time dedicated to others
For those you love
Or the activities you find passion in.
Investing in yourself.
In your mental health
In your physical health
In your relationships
Will allow you to perform better in every area of your life.
Start today.
Learn more at DoGoodWork.io