Personal Finance Podcast

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Wealth Podcast Post

Embracing Market Corrections with Bob Bacarella

admin September 12, 2021

Embracing Market Corrections with Bob Bacarella Embracing Market Corrections with Bob Bacarella On this show, we talked about the need to set a diversified foundation, choose top quality growth stocks and invest consistently using dollar cost averaging with Bob Bacarella, Founder and Portfolio Manager at Monetta Financial.  Listen to [...]
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Wealth Podcast Post

Simplification Via Technology with Mansi Singhal

admin September 12, 2021

Simplification Via Technology with Mansi Singhal Simplification Via Technology with Mansi Singhal On this show, we talked about how AI and machine learning are helping at every stage of an investors life and changing the face of the financial industry with Mansi Singhal, CoFounder of QPlum .  Listen to [...]
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Wealth Podcast Post

Patience and Investing Success with Pat Sweeny

admin September 12, 2021

Patience and Investing Success with Pat Sweeny Patience and Investing Success with Pat Sweeny On this show, we talked about how to have a great advisor/client relationship, how technology has and will continue to impact investing and keys to being a successful investor with Pat Sweeny, CoFounder and Principal [...]
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Wealth Podcast Post

Palatable and Actionable Strategies with Aja McClanahan

admin September 12, 2021

Palatable and Actionable Strategies with Aja McClanahan Palatable and Actionable Strategies with Aja McClanahan On this show, we talked about the process of getting out of debt, increasing your income and building wealth with Aja McClanahan, personal finance writer blogger and influencer.  Listen to learn how Aja and her [...]
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Wealth Podcast Post

Paying for College with Mark Kantrowitz

admin September 12, 2021

Paying for College with Mark Kantrowitz Paying for College with Mark Kantrowitz On this show, we talked about the trends in secondary education, the available sources for paying for college and how you can best understand them with Mark Kantrowitz, Publisher and VP of Research at  Listen to [...]

Wealth Podcast Post

Investing Like a Girl with Tiffany Mcghee

admin September 12, 2021

Investing Like a Girl with Tiffany Mcghee Investing Like a Girl with Tiffany Mcghee On this show, we talked about Wall Street’s unnecessary complexity and why it’s important to simplify and have fun with investing with Tiffany Mcghee, Partner at Momentum Advisors and Creator of StocSavvy.  Listen to learn [...]

Wealth Podcast Post

Living Your Retirement with Fritz Gilbert

admin September 12, 2021

Living Your Retirement with Fritz Gilbert Living Your Retirement with Fritz Gilbert On this show, we talked about planning for early retirement and achieving a balance once you’re there with Fritz Gilbert, Founder of The Retirement Manifesto blog.  Listen to learn some practical strategies for planning and scheduling your [...]

Wealth Podcast Post

Limiting Fees, Taxes and Inflation with Damion Lupo

admin September 12, 2021

Limiting Fees, Taxes and Inflation with Damion Lupo Limiting Fees, Taxes and Inflation with Damion Lupo On this show, we talked about taking control of your financial future, developing a great team around you and achieving the life you truly want with Damion Lupo, author, speaker, entrepreneur and CoFounder [...]