Personal Finance Podcast

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Retire with Purpose with Joe Curry

George Grombacher August 18, 2023 Retire with Purpose with Joe Curry LifeBlood: We talked about how to retire with purpose, the importance of aligning your values with your behaviors and how to do it, spending time thinking about retiring to something versus retiring from something, and how to get started, with Joe Curry, CFP [...]
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Your Money Why with Brad Barrett

George Grombacher August 4, 2023 Your Money Why with Brad Barrett LifeBlood: We talked about finding your money why, the importance of and how to do it, how to create an aligned and cohesive plan, how often to think about it, and how to get started, with Brad Barrett, Managing Director and Partner with [...]
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How Reverse Mortgages Work with Scott Smith

George Grombacher August 4, 2023 How Reverse Mortgages Work with Scott Smith LifeBlood: We talked about how reverse mortgages work, the benefits of the product, common misconceptions, who qualifies, how to use it to optimize your financial plan, and some case studies to illustrate it’s utility, with Scott Smith, top 1% mortgage lender in [...]
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Book Club featuring Richard Vague

George Grombacher July 26, 2023 Book Club featuring Richard Vague On this edition of the Book Club, Richard Vague talks about his newest book, The Paradox of Debt: A New Path for Prosperity without Crisis. Richard is an established and independent expert on the role of private sector debt in the global economy and [...]
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Is College Worth It with John Hupalo

George Grombacher July 26, 2023 Is College Worth It with John Hupalo LifeBlood: We talked about answering the question is college worth it for your kids, the value of education in today’s world, how to have the money conversation with your kids, how to help them make a good decision, and when to get [...]
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Financial Wellness with Manisha Thakor

George Grombacher July 13, 2023 Financial Wellness with Manisha Thakor LifeBlood: We talked about finding financial wellness, escaping the cult of never enough, the importance of focusing on financial health as well as emotional wealth, and how to learn from mistakes, with Manisha Thakor, CFP, CFA, MBA Founder of Money Zen, speaker and author.       [...]
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Paying for Long Term Care with Kelly Augspurger

George Grombacher July 7, 2023 Paying for Long Term Care with Kelly Augspurger LifeBlood: We talked about paying for long term care, the different options that are available, the key considerations for each, and how to create a plan that makes sense, with Kelly Augspurger, Long Term Care Specialist, podcaster, speaker and CoFounder of [...]
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Your Money Story with Sandi Bragar and Cammie Doder

George Grombacher July 7, 2023 Your Money Story with Sandi Bragar and Cammie Doder LifeBlood: We talked about the importance and value of knowing your money story, the role love and permission plays with financial success, how to have open and impactful conversations, and how to get started, with Sandi Bragar and Cammie Doder, [...]

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Are You Middle Class?

George Grombacher June 23, 2023 Are You Middle Class? Are you middle class? Is that something you aspire to be, or does the thought of it bother you? While we may be more financially successful today versus the 1980s, it doesn’t necessarily feel like it.     George talks about the reasons why so many [...]