Just getting by can be difficult.
Becoming a success is challenging and admirable.
Living a life of significance requires extreme focus, inquiry and consistent work. It’s available to all of us, but something too few aspire to.
What would the world be like if more people endeavored to lead lives of significance?
What would your life be like if you did? How would that impact your loved ones and your community?
I think profoundly.
It’s my desire to help you do it.
Here’s what we’ll talk about:
- Leading by example
- A strong body
- A strong mind
- A strong heart
- A strong spirit
- How to do it
Let’s get started.
Leading by example
You need to get stronger.
Sherpas are the folks who help people climb up and down Mount Everest without dying. Because they’re doing something incredibly challenging as well as help others do the same thing, they must be the strongest and healthiest.
How does that relate to you? If you want to be a person of influence, you need to not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk.
Our world is rife with people doing the opposite. Elected officials tell us “Do as I say, not as I do.” And everytime someone is caught exhibiting this type of behavior, their credibility goes down.
If you want to have a profound impact, you need to be the strongest possible version of you.
A strong body
Almost half of us are suffering from chronic health conditions relating to sedentary lifestyles and poor eating habits. This is unacceptable.
If you’ve lived past age 40, you know it gets harder and harder to lose weight and stay in shape. If you’re not, take my word for it.
Being physically strong is a key to health and longevity. Your loved ones need you to be around and to show up in your highest and best form. Focusing on physical strength will help you to do that.
A strong mind
Becoming a life-long learner and someone who’s committed to self-improvement is a key to a life of significance.
We all know people who are closed-minded and exist in echo chambers. We also know these people to have little influence.
Being curious and inquisitive will ensure you’re never closed off to new ideas, and you’re confident enough in yourself to ask, “What if the opposite of what I think is true?”
A strong heart
It’s also important to be mindful of your emotional health.
We all have our triggers and are susceptible to anger and outbursts. The key is not to get rid of our emotions, rather to recognize them and explore why we’re triggered in the first place.
When you find yourself feeling angry, stressed, sad or anxious, dig into the reasons why.
A strong spirit
We all know what makes us happy, but what about contentment?
Figuring out what makes for a rich and contented life, and pursuing those things will serve as an example for those you have influence over.
When you’ve done the work to figure out the life you want, and you’re actually living it, you become a powerful example to others.
How to do it
To live a life of significance, you need to ask a great deal of yourself.
You need to take on big challenges and work hard to achieve them.
In service of that, you need to give yourself the support you need.
This support can take many forms. You’ll need to engage in consistent self-care. You’ll need to invest in obtaining new learning and skills. You’ll need to give yourself the time and space to do it.
One of the important themes of my life is short deadlines and high expectations.
If any of this has resonated with you, when will you get started? I urge you to start today.
Life is short and we have little time to gladden the hearts of those we meet along the way. So be swift to love, swifter still to forgive, and make haste to be kind.
Good luck on your journey to a life of significance!
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