We’re all unique individuals, but we go through the same three stages of our financial lives. At each stage, there are critical items to pay close attention to.
George G talks about how to plan and position yourself for long-term financial success, and what it takes to get there!
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I know it’s a very, very true thing that we need to be reminded more than we need to be instructed. And true of every aspect of our lives, I bet that you probably already know much of what you need to be successful. And whatever, maybe you don’t know, probably pretty easy to learn, but most of it already now it’s just a matter of am I putting this into practice or not. And today, what I wanted to talk about, I wanted to talk about something which is very foundational, and it’s been very foundational to my life, specifically my career. And that’s been very foundational, because it’s been so foundational to me, in my life. In my career, it’s been very foundational to the lives of the people that I’ve directly worked with, as a financial advisor, the lives of people, that advisors that I have coached have worked with. So you get the idea. So quickly, quickly about me, because I’m with me every day. So I’m well aware of who I am and what I do. And I don’t know that I reintroduce myself, enough on the show, it’s been 2200 episodes, or whatever it’s been. And I don’t, there’s no reason for you to talk about myself that much. The guests are the star of the show. But briefly about me, I got into as my first job on a college financial services with a company called New York Life. And again, it was my first job, I knew nothing about financial services, or insurance or investing or anything like that I was political science major, but it sounded like something I could do. So that was in 2001. However many years, that has been a long time I was with New York Life as an agent for seven years. So working with clients, and then I went into management with them. And that meant recruiting and developing and managing and training. New financial professionals did that all told for six years. From there, I moved on and started my own financial firm. And today, I focus on 401 K plans for companies. And I do a lot of financial wellness. So I’ve got a a company called Money alignment Academy, and we do financial wellness programs, programming for the employees of companies do a lot of speaking on that topic, I write books, obviously, I do podcasts and all that good stuff. Honored to be named to invest a PD is listed the top 100 financial advisors in the United States, five years in a row. So that’s kind of a little bit about me. But getting back. What I wanted to talk about today are the three stages of our financial lives, we are all unique individuals, you are very, very unique person, nobody’s like you, nobody will ever be like you. We all go through the same three stages of our financial lives. And those are protection, accumulation and distribution. When he talks about personal finance, there’s a lot of abstract stuff going on there. There’s just a lot of stuff going on there. And so it’s difficult to kind of get it all into a container. And that’s one of the things that’s helpful about protection accumulation distribution is we can segment out all the different important planning considerations or things to be thinking about in each one of those stages. And so it’s easy to talk about and communicate, if you are a financial professional, I would encourage you to become comfortable with this talk because or this language or these concepts, because it helps people to better understand them. And if you are not a financial professional, but a user of financial things, if you use money occasionally, as most of us do. Isn’t that funny? I use money every day, many times a day and still maybe not the best at it. But that’s just a very human thing. So for all of us, I think it is a track to run on helps us to understand this is where I’m at, this is where I want to go. These are steps in a process that if I follow I’ll probably end up getting close to where it is that I want to go. So before I go any further, I’m going to keep doing all these qualifiers over and over again. Hopefully this last one. I’m fortunate to have made a lot of great financial decisions over the course of my life. And I made all the dumb financial this sessions. So I share that, just to let you know, wherever you are at, I’m confident I can help you get to where you want to go. I always try to mustn’t forget, say that at the top of every presentation that I give, because I want people to know that I am extremely fallible. I’ve made tons of dumb mistakes. And I’m evidence that you can overcome these dumb mistakes. To which recently somebody said, Yeah, which dumb mistakes have you made? And it’s so funny, I’m doing virtual presentation, and you see the questions as they’re popping up. And this gentleman wrote that I’m like, Oh, and you sort of wonder wonder why he’s asking, but he’s probably just curious. So happy to happy to share that I spent the majority of my 20s in and out of credit card debt. So using credit cards, and rolling balances over from one month to the next, which is just a recipe for financial in success, not success. It’s not a recipe for financial success. I live paycheck to paycheck. So some months, I would make no money at all. And other months, I would make a good amount of money. And sometimes it was just sort of blah. I’ve never tracked my cash flow. I never kept a budget. Fundamentally, I was just ignoring my finances. That’s sort of sort of the bottom line, and spent a lot of time talking about why that is about limiting beliefs and the programming that we pick up along the way. So I’m not going to get into that today. But what’s important is that I’ve been through all of those things. And right now, so many of us are struggling. And so many of the struggles that we’re experiencing are due to outside things outside of our control. I mean, you have nothing to do with inflation, you have nothing to do with the cost of food and transportation, and housing. And the reality that everything in our lives is more expensive than it was a few short years ago, and exponentially more expensive. And certainly, a lot of the mistakes or the things that we’re suffering through are self inflicted, as well. So the truth for you is somewhere in the middle. And I always really want to help people feel like they are in control, I guess the term for that is to empower people. But that’s sort of a used up word kind of beat up, I want you to feel like you have locus of control that you have control over your future, that you have the ability to do something and, and influence and affect the direction of your life. Because you do, I believe that every single one of us is absolutely worthy of the financial life that you want. You’re even deserving of the financial life that you want, but none of us are entitled to it. So it’s there for you. And today, it’s my desire to take you through this framework or these three stages. And hopefully, that will help you get closer to where it is that you want to go. I’m interested in helping you get better at money. So you can live how you want. The whole idea of this show is get better live how you want. So you marry those two, the marry that with my work, which is the money piece. Here we are. So we’ll go through the same three stages of our financial lives. The first is protection. And this is where you want to set the foundation. Because when you’re going to build anything, if it’s your house, that you’re living in the building that you’re living in, we’re talking about your your physical health or your financial life, you have to build it on a strong foundation. Because without that the rest of it just doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter. storm comes along, hurricane comes along, something happens. If you’re not built in a strong foundation, your house is going to be flat, you will be broke, you’ll be in a bad place. So you have to have a strong foundation. When we’re talking about our personal finances. Your foundation is built on cash flow, budgeting,
insurance, and legal documents. So I’ll go through each one of these briefly. But you have to have a personal budget. A budget is simply a plan for your money. So foundational something I’ve resisted, still don’t love it. But appreciate it for what it is it is the plan for your money. There’s lots of different ways to effectively budget. And I could put some resources into the notes of the show to help you with that. But you can also go to a company’s website for questions on any of these things. And that’s money alignment academy.com We’ve got a lot of free resources there for you. So, gotta have a budget. You have to track your cash flow that’s simply understanding money in money out. And while it’s very simple, it’s not an obvious thing and too few of us actually know how much money we have coming in how much we have going out a few are still know what the value of our assets are. And what the amount of liabilities that debt that we have, we need to have those numbers down. From an insurance standpoint, I need to have disability insurance, which protects my ability to earn an income. So if I get hurt, I can’t work or sick, I can’t I can’t work. Is my money going to dry up? And how long can you go without a paycheck? So disability insurance protects your income, life insurance that protects your loved ones. So Should something happen to me, God forbid, my family be taken care of because I own life insurance. And if I die, the death benefit will be paid to my wife, who will then take care of our children, as she already does. Long term care insurance pays for the cost of skilled care. Should I need it as I get older? I’ll be turning 46 this year. So gosh, how did that happen? How Are any of us getting any older? The reality is it’s happening to all of us and all of us, God willing, again, will one day be older versions of ourselves? And should we need care? Should I need some form of care which the odds are pretty good, I would like to be able to receive those on my term that care on my time zone. So long term care insurance pays for the cost of receiving that care, property and casualty insurance protects our stuff. So obviously, you have car insurance and homeowners insurance. And today we have insurance on our phones and our computers and everything else. So we need to make sure that we have that. I think that identity theft protection. And insurance is an essential component to our financial foundation these days, because there’s so much of that going on, we can also add credit, being a good steward of our credit on to the foundation of the protection piece. So knowing what your credit score is reviewing your credit report on an annual basis to make sure that there’s no discrepancies on there, because there are a lot of discrepancies on there. And as more cyber criminals and cyber attacks happen and take place, there’s just a greater and an increased need for monitoring and making sure that we are on top of our credit, leagues doc legal documents are really important. If you happen to own a business, it’s prudent to have an entity set up like a limited liability company, or an S corp, something along those lines. If I think that everybody should have a simple will done and you can get that done for free, there’s plenty of resources thrown into your favorite search engine, will template, something like that? How do I set up a will. And there’s a lot of free resources, you can simply print and fill out and get notarized. If you have kids, you essentially you really do need to get a well it’s gonna help you with guardianship, which will determine who will take care of your kids, should something happen to you. So it’s important to have those kinds of conversations because just because you assume that somebody is going to take care of your kid doesn’t mean that they are in a position to do that. So there’s just a lot of planning that it’s prudent to think about and and to go through that. Let’s see. I think that that’s that’s probably most of them life insurance, disability insurance, long term care, insurance, property and casualty insurance. All of these things Wills Trusts. A trust is, is a legal document that controls the distribution of things. So A will says this is what I would like to see, a will will determine your health care directives, as they’re called. end of life care if you become incapacitated and can’t make decisions for yourself, who will make those decisions, what do you want to happen, that’s where those healthcare directives powers of attorney come in, who will take care of your finances if you’re not in a position to the duty to do that? Who do you trust to do that? And then, like I said, the trust if you have substantial assets, or if you have assets, and you’re concerned with where they’re going to go when you are gone. You can name beneficiaries in a will but those are just your wishes. A trust legally distributes your your, your your stuff to your beneficiaries. That shows succession. It’s very, very popular and just goes to show no matter what you think is going to happen when you’re gone. People are going to fight over money. It’s a gross, disgusting reality. And so if you own a business if you have assets, it is an act of love, from my perspective, to do this kind of planning, so it helps to keep your family in as intact as it possibly can be after you’re gone. Some people think about that as I’m just being so controlling and I’m being too materialistic or paternalistic and I say the opposite I say that it’s like discipline equals freedom, it is that you are essentially ensuring that your family will be able to continue on without having to fight and struggle over ownership or getting money, because you will have thought about all of those contingencies, and put plans in place for doing so. And I think the good news there is, there are now a lot of new providers that have had the effect of driving down the cost of this kind of planning, also known as estate planning. So lots of different ways to do that, as well, and a lot of great resources. So there you go, there’s your foundation. That is the foundation of your financial world. From their second step, now that you have your foundation set, you want to start saving money for things. Second stage, stage number two, we all go through his accumulation. This is where again, you want to be saving money for things. And it’s important to during this stage, and at all times go through some some planning. And too often we make way too big of a deal out of financial planning. It’s very, very heavy, kind of clunky term. It’s like oh, my gosh, so confusing. It’s It’s It’s It’s abstract. It’s, you know, beyond my comprehension, couldn’t be further from the truth. You make financial plans all the time. If you’d went and traveled this past summer, you made financial plans, you decided where you’re going, how are you going to get there? Where are you going to stay? Where are you going to eat? What you were going to do while you were there? All of those things? That’s all financial plants. It’s a it’s a matter of what is it that I want? It’s a matter of when do I want it? How much is this going to cost? And how much do I need to be saving right now, you’ve essentially created a financial plan right there. A different way to think about that is you look at where you are, you look at where you want to go. And then you close that gap. That’s really what financial planning is. So you’re perfectly capable of doing these things. There are wonderful financial calculators and computer programs online. If you work at a company that happens to offer a 401k, they will no doubt offer you wonderful resources on how to determine how much you need to be saving today in order to get the result that you want for your future. So again, kind of an abstract thing, but we need to figure out when it is you would like to be able to step away from full time work, you can tell me that you’re never going to stop working, I’m going to say Awesome, let’s still plan so that you make work optional. That’s a better scenario than having to throw in a blue vest and go to work as a greeter at Walmart. God bless you if you are a greeter at Walmart.
But I want you to be able to choose to do that versus feel like you have to because you need to earn money. So make work optional. And then keep doing it or don’t. You never know how you’re going to feel at age 6065 70 or 75. whatever age you decide that you’re interested in stepping away. So determine when it is determined how much money you want to have, and then figure out how much you need to be saving today. So the most common places that we save for retirement are 401k at work or an IRA, an individual retirement account, these are the long term places for you to be saving money. On the conservative end of saving money, you have checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, certificates of deposit at the bank, before I get into the CDs, certificates of deposit, I want you to get an emergency fund built up. And this is I sort of didn’t sort of anything, I neglected to talk about this in the protection piece, your emergency fund without question lives in the protection phase came, I want you to get to six months worth of your monthly expenses saved up in your emergency fund used to say three to six months, that is six, six, I say six months. And I know how hard that is to to accumulate that much money. But I also know that there’s immense value in having accumulated that money because once you are or you’ve got six months worth of living expenses saved in cash in the bank. Once your credit card debt free. It’s an incredible feeling. You’re saving money. That’s financial peace of mind right there. So from there, sort of the bridge between protection and accumulation is getting out of credit card debt. So I would create a plan for how to get out of credit card debt and that simply get all of your accounts together, figure out how much debt you have and then take things one at a time. The famous snowball method says that instead of worrying about what the annual percentage rate is, you start with the lowest amount first. So if you have three credit cards, one with a $500, balance one with $1,000, balance one with $1,500. Start with a $500 balance, regardless of what the annual percentage rate is. The idea is that as you pay the balances off, you will develop momentum, you will develop confidence, you’ll develop grit and new skills. And you’ll just keep it moving. Last thing I want you to do is start and then give up and just feel like you’re sort of stuck there, because that’s not serving anybody came. So all right, getting back to the accumulation piece of it got to have your emergency fund, then you can start saving money certificate deposit certificate of deposit is an investment savings vehicle that is sold or commonly bought at the bank, and will offer you a guaranteed rate of return for a certain amount of time by six months CD, probably buy a weekly CD, you can buy one year, three year five year, I don’t honestly know how long the durations of time you can buy a CD, probably the sky’s the limit. So it’s very, very conservative investment. fixed income investments are also thought of as very, very conservative, these are bonds, things like that. And there’s lots of different kinds of bonds out there. But these are traditionally more conservative investments as you move up. Whenever we start moving towards more aggressive investments, the potential for gains increases, but so does the amount of risk that we take on as the investor. So I always want you to keep that in mind. And another important thing is that you determine what kind of investor you are. So taking what’s known as an investor profile, or risk tolerance assessment will help to inform you or educate you on what kind of investor you are, how comfortable you are with fluctuations in the market, and therefore, the value of your money. Because if you think that 125, and I’m okay if the market goes up and down, but then you actually look at your statement, and you had 50,000. And today, if 35,000, you might feel a little bit differently, you might intellectually understand that it’s going to go back up over time, but your heart and your your, your feelings are telling you this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, I’m now developing an ulcer and my hair is turning gray can’t fall asleep. So that’s not healthy either. So it’s just a function of regardless of how old you are, it doesn’t mean that you are a certain kind of investor. So one of those profiles, one of those tests will help you determine, yes, I am conservative or a moderate, or I’m aggressive or some version of those things. So the way that we then move up away from conservative types of investments to moderate, you can invest in things like a mutual fund, or an ETF or exchange traded fund. And these are well diversified, easy to access investments. And there’s a mutual fund for an ETF. They’re very, very similar kinds of investments for just about anything. There are mutual funds and ETFs that invest in the biggest companies in the world, the biggest companies in America, the biggest companies in China, there’s ETFs, and mutual funds that invest only in healthcare, or in gold, or uranium, or in tech companies. So literally, the sky’s the limit. Again, I hope I don’t say that seven or eight more times, but you never know. But just to give you an idea. So those are a lot of the different ways and mutual funds, some can be very conservative, some are fixed income mutual funds, so they invest in bonds, so you’re not having to go and buy individual bonds. And then you have very, very, very aggressive mutual funds that are investing in small companies in emerge in what’s known as an emerging market. So you think about a safe company’s theoretically speaking, company like Coca Cola, whereas a smaller company, a startup, an emerging company, in, in a country in Africa, would would be probably considered to be a very risky investment, but with much greater upside. So you get the idea. There’s mutual funds for all these different types of investments. Then as you keep going up the pyramid of risk, you can invest in things like stocks, so you can go buy individual shares of your favorite company. So if you think that Starbucks is an awesome company, I certainly think that they’re an awesome company just because they drink their coffee. Or maybe think Google is or maybe you think that XYZ company is you can certainly go and buy individuals or you can buy shares of of stocks. Now, when you think about when you go buy a mutual fund, you buy one share of a mutual fund, you’re potentially buying a small piece of hundreds of different companies. If I buy a share of Starbucks, I own one share of Starbucks, so it’s a much more concentrated investment, therefore making it riskier. My upside is pinched, potentially greater, but I could also lose all my money. So, things to keep in mind, as you continue going up, you can buy, like I’ve been talking about shares of smaller companies, where the upside is greater, you can buy things like commodities, and options. So these are different ways to be investing that carry with it upside, but then also enormous amount of risk. And we have things like crypto assets, Bitcoin and Aetherium. And you name it. Real estate has always been a very, very popular and common way for people all over the world to enter the housing market, but also to build wealth. And if you are a real estate investor, I think that that’s great. I’m really agnostic. When it comes to the asset class, an asset class simply means because it an equity, which means a stock or mutual fund.
Real Assets are real estate. So it’s a house or investing in real estate, commodities or gold, silver, uranium, things like that copper. So there’s so many different ways to be investing just depends what it is that you’re investing for, and how it is that you’re owning these things. So like one of the most common ways and an effective way to save money for your retirement is, again, your 401 K or an IRA, if you’re interested in going and buying investments that are outside of those you can buy, or open up what’s known as a brokerage account or a taxable account. And you can do that probably at your bank. But also companies like Fidelity and Charles Schwab are wonderful options for that type of investing as well. And if you’re interested in developing a real estate portfolio, we’ve certainly done a lot of podcast episodes on how you do that as well. So, protection set your foundation accumulation, you want to start saving money for things. The third stage that we all go through God willing, is distribution. So think about it like this. You’re somebody in the mountain, you’re climbing the mountain, climbing, climbing, climbing, that’s accumulating, see putting money away, putting money, putting money away, putting money away, you reach the top, here I am, I’m ready to stop accumulating money. And now I’m gonna go down the other side of the mountain. So I climbed, now it’s time to descend. So distribution decumulation, how do I take all the money that I’ve earned, and turn it into income that will last for as long as I need it to. Now, if you thought that saving money for retirement was hard, you’re also going to find that creating enough retirement income to last as long as you need it, too, is also going to be very, very hard. If you ask 100 financial advisors, the best way to develop a retirement income plan, you’re probably going to get 100 different answers. It’s not a right way to save money, and there’s not a right way to actually use the money. So the idea here is how do I make sure that I don’t outlive my money. Because while it is a bad thing, to die before, I’m supposed to, it’s also a bad thing to live longer than I expect, because I don’t want to run out of money. And if I run out of money, when I’m 90, that’s way worse than if I run out of money when I’m 30. I just will not have the energy at 90 that I have today. And certainly that I had a 20 You get the idea. So as we’re looking at, here’s all the assets that I have, I’ve got a million dollars in my 401k I own a house and a rental property, I have money in my brokerage account, my taxable account, I’ve got a portfolio of stocks that give me dividends, where is the appropriate place to pull money, got social security. So one of things that that is really, really valuable about Social Security is that, theoretically speaking, it is guaranteed, and many of us are accustomed to receiving a paycheck. And we get that every couple of weeks right. Company has been really good at paying me on Friday, every other Friday. And they’ve done that for 30 years. So I’ve grown accustomed to that. Well, when I retire, that’s going to stop. So how do I how do I recreate that essentially? How do I create that consistent income stream that will be there for as long as I need it to be? And that’s where Social Security theoretically comes in. That’s where pension plan if you’re fortunate enough to be working for an organization or in a career that offers you a pension, it’s very, very valuable. Because again, you’re not having to worry about it’s just a paycheck that hits your account, same time every month. Pretty awesome. Okay, so how else can we do that? Well, you can do it through something called an annuity. It’s essentially one of the main traditional way Is that we have used annuities is it takes a sum of money and it liquidates it. So you can go to a life insurance company who is who issues in annuity because it’s a form of an insurance policy. Say, Okay, I’ve got $500,000, I’m 70 years old. If I give you this money, how much will you give me back? And they’ll say, okay, based on your age, they go through actuarial actuarial tables, life expectancy, and all this kind of stuff, they say, okay, based on your age, the amount of my use gave me will give you $2,000 For the rest of your life. Okay, great. $2,000 a month for the rest of my life, that’ll show up my bank every, every couple of weeks. Cool. So, obviously, there’s a lot that goes into that, and don’t quote me on on my numbers, because I’m just making things up off the top of my head. And hopefully, you get the idea. So it is a function of setting the foundation, saving money from our retirements and whatever my goals and objectives are, and then designing retirement income that’s going to be there for as long as I need it to. So do you move from one stage to the next to the next? Not necessarily, because you’re probably going to be saving money, when you’re 20 years old, or 25, or whatever, as you are developing your financial foundation. And then you’re probably going to be doing estate planning when you’re in your 60s and 70s. Also, even though you already did a little bit when you were younger. So the whole value here, theoretically speaking, hopefully, if it’s something you’ve found some value in the framework that I’ve just shared. But hopefully, it’s easy for you to follow along. Say, Okay, these are the important things I need to be taken into consideration at each one of these stages. And is there anything in my financial plan that I’m missing? Or have I done most of it? So there you go, you again, are perfectly capable of doing all this on your own. If you want help, there are certainly so many great people out there. I’ve interviewed many on on on the podcast, who are available and willing to help if you have questions, or you’d like some kind of a connection, just reach out to me, I’m always thrilled to hear from, from listeners. And I’m willing and interested in helping however I can. So So closing one closing thought is that, you know, you need to be really honest with yourself about whether or not you are willing and able to do these things. Because simply knowing how to do it. That’s financial literacy, financial wellness is actually putting everything into practice. And far too often, we know we’re supposed to be doing things, but we fail to actually execute and do it. And the value of working with financial professional is that they get the job done for you. So you’re essentially hiring somebody for their expertise. Thurnau how another set of eyes, a different perspective, but also to help you implement the plans that you’ve made, to help facilitate that everything actually takes place, and that it actually gets done. Because there’s not somebody whose job it is to get everything done. Odds are, it’s not all going to get done. So be really honest with yourself. You don’t have to do it all but you have to be working with somebody who will help you to get these things done. So hope that provide some value to you. If you did find value, you enjoyed it, please do subscribe to the show. Leave us a five star review. It’d be super grateful. Share the show with somebody that you think would also benefit from this. That is how the show grows. And I’m interested in having the show grow so I can reach more people and and all that good stuff. So appreciate hanging with me. And I look forward to next time as always. Do you
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For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 16:37.
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george grombacher 16:00
So if I want my iPhone, and my Tesla and my Bitcoin to work, we need to get the metal out of the ground.
Pierre Leveille 16:07
Absolutely. Without it, we cannot do it.
george grombacher 16:13
Why? Why is there a Why has production been going down.
Pierre Leveille 16:21
Because the large mines that are producing most of the copper in the world, the grades are going down slowly they’re going there, they’re arriving near the end of life. So and of life of mines in general means less production. And in the past, at least 15 years, the exploration expenditure for copper were pretty low, because the price of copper was low. And when the price is low, companies are tending to not invest more so much in exploration, which is what we see today. It’s it’s, it’s not the way to look at it. Because nobody 15 years ago was able to predict that there would be a so massive shortage, or it’s so massive demand coming. But in the past five years, or let’s say since the since 10 years, we have seen that more and more coming. And then the by the time you react start exploring and there’s more money than then ever that is putting in put it in expression at the moment for copper at least. And what we see is that the it takes time, it could take up to 2025 years between the time you find a deposit that it gets in production. So but but the year the time is counted. So it’s it’s very important to so you will see company reopening old mines, what it will push also, which is not bad, it will force to two, it will force to find a it will force to find ways of recalibrating customer, you know the metals, that will be more and more important.
george grombacher 18:07
So finding, okay, so for lack of a better term recycling metals that are just sitting around somewhere extremely important. Yeah. And then going and going back to historic minds that maybe for lack of technology, or just lack of will or reasons, but maybe now because there’s such a demand, there’s an appetite to go back to those.
Pierre Leveille 18:33
Yes, but there will be a lot of failures into that for many reasons. But the ones that will be in that will resume mining it’s just going to be a short term temporary solution. No it’s it’s not going to be you need to find deposit that will that will operate 50 years you know at least it’s 25 to 50 years at least and an old mind that you do in production in general it’s less than 10 years.
george grombacher 19:03
Got it. Oh there we go. Up here. People are ready for your difference making tip What do you have for them
Pierre Leveille 19:14
You mean an investment or
george grombacher 19:17
whatever you’re into, you’ve got so much life experience with raising a family and doing business all over the world and having your kids go to school in Africa so a tip on copper or whatever you’re into.
Pierre Leveille 19:34
But there’s two things I like to see and I was telling my children many times and I always said you know don’t focus on what will bring you specifically money don’t think of Getting Rich. Think of doing what you what you like, what you feel your your your your your, you know you have been born to do so use your most you skills, do what you like, do what you wet well, and good things will happen to you. And I can see them grow in their life. And I can tell you that this is what happens. And sometimes you have setback like I had recently. But if we do things properly, if we do things that we like, and we liked that project, we were very passionate about that project, not only me, all my team, and if we do things properly, if we do things correctly, good things will happen. And we will probably get the project back had to go forward or we will find another big project that will be the launch of a new era. So that’s my most important tip in life. Do what you like, do it with your best scale and do it well and good things will happen.
george grombacher 20:49
Pierre Leveille 21:03
Thank you. I was happy to be with you to today.
george grombacher 21:06
Damn, tell us the websites and where where people can connect and find you.
Pierre Leveille 21:13
The it’s Deep South resources.com. So pretty simple.
george grombacher 21:18
Perfect. Well, if you enjoyed this as much as I did show up here your appreciation and share today’s show with a friend who also appreciate good ideas, go to deep south resources, calm and learn all about what they’re working on and track their progress.
Pierre Leveille 21:32
Thanks. Thanks, have a nice day.
george grombacher 21:36
And until next time, keep fighting the good fight. We’re all in this together.
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