Health Podcast Post

Nutrient Rich Food with Alyssa Hawn

George Grombacher February 2, 2022

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Nutrient Rich Food with Alyssa Hawn

LifeBlood: We talked about eating nutrient rich food, why the majority of Americans are mineral deficient, what we can do to take responsibility for eating healthy food, and where to find it with Alyssa Hawn, Holistic Health Coach. 

Listen to learn the value of seeking out people who have made the changes you desire!

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Our Guests

George Grombacher


Alyssa Hawn

Episode Transcript

Come on

Oh my blood. This is George G. And the time is right welcome today’s guest strong and powerful Lissa. Han Alyssa, are you ready to do this?

Alyssa Hawn 0:20
I’m ready.

george grombacher 0:21
All right, let’s let’s go. Melissa is a holistic health coach helping women reverse chronic illness and lose weight. She loves coaching people on the finer points of natural whole body healing and partners with them to find the root causes personalized solutions that lead to profound results in a short amount of time. Lissa, tell us a little about your personal life some more about your work and why you do what you do?

Alyssa Hawn 0:45
Sure. So I am a 33 year old single mom to a really beautiful two year old boy named Max. So I spend a lot of time chasing him around and tickling him and cuddling him, which brings me so much joy. Other than that, I love to cook. I’m a former chef. And I love personal growth. And

I’m always listening to podcasts, reading books, meditating, journaling, anything to make myself better, and also to improve the lives of the women I serve.

george grombacher 1:20
Awesome. Yeah, former chef, how similar. How similar is was was being a chef to the work you’re doing now.

Alyssa Hawn 1:33
Well, it’s super helpful because I can pair women with recipes that fit well with their diet, I can I make a lot of my own recipes. I have some on my website, too, just to help make things a little bit easier and give them cooking tip. Oh, it’s very helpful when women are on diets. And for me, it was actually very helpful in my own healing journey. Having that Chef background, I was able to cook food that was really nutritious for me with ease. So I I used to suffer from a lot of chronic illness myself. And I was able to reverse everything in six months. And I know that my chef background played a huge role in helping me do that so quickly.

george grombacher 2:21
Nice. So I Where did I read it? There’s a lot of us who are suffering from chronic illness like, like how many which everybody? Yeah. Most of us

Alyssa Hawn 2:39
Yes. Yeah, it’s really hard to be in this world and, and not suffer, we’re exposed to so much toxicity. We live these really terrible lifestyles wherever stressed out all the time, our sleep isn’t good. We eat horribly. And most people suffer those the ill effects from all of that and so what I do is I try and educate people as much as I can you know, how can you do better without totally cramping your current lifestyle but you know, maybe implement step by step small things to get you to a better place.

george grombacher 3:18
Nice. Yeah, I certainly appreciate that. Our our lifestyles are, well, everything’s slowly killing us because we’re slowly dying Alyssa, but the toxicity in our environment, everything around us. Not enough sleep, stress, anxiety. We eat crappy, we we make crappy food choices, and then the actual crappy choices we make is comprised of bad food. So part of me just wants to shake people and say snap out of it. What you’re doing is not working. But that’s not helpful. Because you do need to take small make make kind of small, small changes.

Alyssa Hawn 4:00
Right? Yes, absolutely. And it’s hard because we don’t have that many options to be honest to eat well. A lot of people live in food deserts. We even you know, the food that you buy from Whole Foods isn’t really completely nutritious. You only need three different nutrients to grow food. And they’re potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. So we need 16 minerals in our body and we’re only usually getting three because that’s really all you need to grow food. Some more but yeah, so we’re all we’re all walking around nutrient deficient. There’s 90 essential nutrients that your body needs. You need 16 vitamins, 60 minerals, nine amino acids, and two fatty acids to make sure that your cells are optimal and fully functioning. And we’re just Farmers don’t care as much about neutral find their food, because it’s expensive, it’s time consuming, some do some really care. And I really recommend finding farmers in your local area and talking to them and see how they treat their soil. And then that’s, that’s usually your best indicator where you’re going to get your best food. So I am part of a local CSA, where I pay my local farmer to grow my food. And I know how he treats the soil, he neutralizes it, he also raises animals, so I’m able to source meat from there, that is an I know, I can tell the difference. When I eat it, I feel really, really good. So now that you know it’s going into winter, and there’s no i, there’s no vegetables less, you know, for me to eat, I’m, I’m starting to actually notice a difference in my house, I have not felt as good or as vibrant lately, as I did during the summer.

george grombacher 6:05
Okay, that’s, that’s certainly makes sense. And I don’t know that I ever heard that farmers. Everything you said makes logical sense to me, I just don’t think that I knew it. So he said it only takes three nutrients to actually grow food. But, but some farmers out there can consciously or purposefully put more nutrients in the soil, which then makes its way into the food, which then makes its way into my body.

Alyssa Hawn 6:35
That’s great. And then you just have to be very, you know, aware.

george grombacher 6:41
And so there’s very little incentive, if you have somebody just I mean, if it’s, I need to grow this amount of food, and it goes all over the country. And so I have costs to contain, and I’m running a profitable business. So I’m going to not nefariously but this is just what’s required. So that’s what I’m going to do. And we just don’t recognize that the food that we’re eating, it was grown in a certain way in certain dirt, and therefore it is deficient. And that’s why I’m deficient.

Alyssa Hawn 7:17
Yes, yeah. And it’s hard. We don’t know, either, because we’re not really taught nutrition very well, in schools. Like when I was growing up, I was taught the food pyramid, which is, you know, eat six to 10 servings during the day. You know, and that’s, that’s pretty much what I took away. So, you know, people just don’t they don’t know. And you said, you know, they don’t mean to be nefarious? And you’re absolutely right. Like, this isn’t. This isn’t something they do on purpose.

george grombacher 7:51
And it’s also not, it’s also not their job to to, to be mindful of my personal nutrition, it’s their job to make food that is available for purchase, and then I make that decision about purchasing it. So I think it’s a wonderful exchange, I just need to be more cognizant and take more personal responsibility for, for the, for the stuff I’m putting in my mouth. Is is is that soil naturally? Because we’re growing on the same soil over and over again? That’s why we need to put more nutrients back into it.

Alyssa Hawn 8:24
Yes, for the most part, yeah, there’s a lot of monocropping. So you just plant like you said the same thing and the same soil and it takes up the same nutrients and while putting the same nutrients back in the soil. So it’s like there’s it’s not it’s not a sustainable way of farming. But the good news is that I think people are becoming more aware. And they’re starting to come up with new ideas for growing food that is, that is more nutritious.

george grombacher 8:54
Got it. So you you you mentioned an acronym. You said a local it sounded like you said CSA, but I don’t think that’s what you said. Yeah.

Alyssa Hawn 9:03
Yes, Community Supported Agriculture.

george grombacher 9:08
Okay, and so you can research and figure out okay, I do have a local CSA here where I live, and I can do a little bit of research and find out what what is it that I’m looking for? How do I know that the food that they’re making is is is is more aligned with with what would be a safer and healthier diet?

Alyssa Hawn 9:30
Great question. So I think I always like to look to see if they’re certified organic. That’s just like, you know, the government seal of approval that there are no chemical pesticides used on my food. But not all farmers that you know, do CSAs are organic, so you have to ask them directly. Do they do they treat with chemical pesticides? How do they nutrify their soils? along that sort of lines, and you I always encourage people go visit the farm and see what they’re doing. How does it look? If they’re animals from the farm? How did they look? Did they seem happy? Do they have a lot of space to run around? Yeah, I think and building trust is, is a really good way to find good food to eat. I think it’s so cool when you know where it came from kids at a at a farm. And I remember, like, we would ask kids, you know, where do you think food comes from? And they would say, Oh, the grocery store. But it doesn’t write it. It comes from a farm somewhere, but we don’t know. Because the you know, the food gets put on the truck, and then it goes in a box at the grocery store. And that’s where, you know, we think our food comes from, we don’t really think far beyond it. Some people do.

george grombacher 10:55
Yeah. And really, to your point, I think the more that we’re waking up to this sort of reality, the more we can start asking ourselves those questions, you know, where where does my food actually come from? And then be better educated and better consumers of what we’re putting in our minds and our bodies? Let’s see. If if I’m not able to do that. Or it’s I sort of work up to it. Is supplementing is supplementing a good choice, or is that.

Alyssa Hawn 11:26
Yeah. I’m a big believer in supplementation. So going, but I will say that, so when I was suffering from my various illnesses, so I had, I had interstitial cystitis, which is an autoimmune related disorder, osteoarthritis, I had chronic acne, really horrible gut health. And I thought, you know, I could just like, take a drug and a supplement, and it would all be better, and you have to do more. But that being said, I think supplementation is super important for people because because you need those, those vitamins and minerals to function. But you need to do it in tandem with other healthier habits, like learning how to manage your stress and get good sleep and exercise. And eating well. You know, I had a client who asked me, Can I just like skip food? Can I just, you know, take my supplements and just eat? No, like, you know, fiber in there, I think. But you can’t fast you can’t fast it’s actually a really good way to clean yourself. They just recommended do it under a doctor’s guidance.

george grombacher 12:42
Yeah, I think that’s a that’s an interesting question. Can I just cut food out altogether? And just get everything that I need? So let’s let’s have some middle ground?

Alyssa Hawn 12:54
Yeah, yeah, I have to say to like food has more nutrition than just like, you know, the vitamins and minerals. There are other compounds in there that are really important, like bioflavonoids, for example, antioxidants, like, you know, there’s there’s a lot to food.

george grombacher 13:15
Appreciate that. So from your personal experience, sounds like you had a lot of a lot of chronic conditions that you were dealing with. And you said that you were able to, to clear them up for lack of a better term in six months. Obviously, everybody is different and unique. But for people who are listening, and they are not feeling good, they are suffering from chronic conditions, be it just exhaustion or fatigue, or they’re obese or whatever it might be. How I mean, it’s it’s a tough question to ask, but is it possible for most anybody to turn things around?

Alyssa Hawn 13:53
I think so. I absolutely think so. And I think the best place to start is finding people who have suffered, what you have been suffering from, and learn from them, see what they did. And what they did might not work for you. But at least you’re expanding your subconscious and realizing, hey, if it’s possible for this person to heal, it’s possible for me to heal too. And I think a lot of people just feel so hopeless about their conditions like, Oh, this is this is a product of my age. This is a product of my genetics. I just have to deal with this for the rest of my life. But no, there are things that everybody can do to turn it around. And I’m not saying that you can. You can cure everything. I don’t I don’t know. I don’t. Probably not. But you can make your life a lot better.

george grombacher 14:48
Yeah, I think that I certainly I certainly am an impatient person. And when I decided I want to do something, I want to do it right now. And so I’m probably there’s probably a lot of people that are like that. But I also recognize that, that just doing a little bit, and doing that consistently does pay big rewards over the long term.

Alyssa Hawn 15:14
Right? Yeah, sometimes trying too many things at once can be really overwhelming and discouraging. And I know this from my own personal experience, like, when I was, you know, on my own healing journey, I wanted to do everything at once I wanted to detox my body and beyond, like five different diets, and one says, you know, like, like, focus on meditation, it was just way too much. But once I slowed down and took things step by step, it was a lot easier to find that flow.

george grombacher 15:48
Yeah, it’s, it’s, that’s really well said, step by step. Just knowing okay, this is this is possible. Look at these people that I’ve just researched and found that they’ve, they at one point, had the same thing that I’m suffering from now, but they did it and they’re now healthy and feeling a lot better. And I can put a plan together for this is what I do when I wake up. And this is how I go to sleep and all those things really put a program together. Yeah, I like it. Well, Alyssa, that people are ready for your difference making tip. What do you have for them?

Alyssa Hawn 16:22
Kind of that was my difference making tip. Give it to me again. But yeah, yeah, yeah, listen to other people’s stories and expand your your consciousness realize that if it’s possible for somebody else, it is possible for you to, and I recommend, there’s a documentary on Amazon, it’s called heal. And I think that’s a really good place to start. Because you can actually see people who get better from really devastating illness.

george grombacher 16:52
I think that is great stuff that definitely gets come up. It is a that is such an important thing. Whatever you’re trying to do to Nick You said, you know, give your subconscious evidence that, hey, look at that person, he or she is very similar, really no different than I am. And they did this therefore, I can do this as well. So, so important. Well, listen, thank you so much. Well, where can people learn more about you? And how can people engage with you and your work?

Alyssa Hawn 17:22
Yes, you can go to my website, www dot Elissa I offer a free 15 minute discovery calls with women who are interested just to see if we would be a fit to work together. Um, you can also follow me on Instagram at Alyssa Hahn health or like my Facebook page which is also Alyssa on how

george grombacher 17:44
perfect if you enjoyed this as much as I did. So this your appreciation and share today’s show with a friend who also appreciates good ideas go to Alyssa It’s al And take advantage of that free 15 minute discovery call to see if what you are trying to accomplish or where you’re wanting to go is is possible. And then you can find her on Instagram and Facebook as well as to all those in the notes of the show. Thanks again Alyssa.

Alyssa Hawn 18:14
Yeah, thanks so much. Bye.

george grombacher 18:16
And until next time, keep fighting the good fight. It’s we’re all in this together.

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