Rich Maloney

Rich Maloney

President & COO

Company: Quality Mind Global

Quality Mind Global (QMG) is an international mental wellness coaching and licensing company founded by Rich Maloney, who also serves as its CEO. The company has over 1000 clients across multiple countries and 45 licensed QMG Mind Mentors from 8 countries. QMG offers an affordable, accessible, and powerful long-term mental wellness solution for B2B and B2C markets. Through their Personal Activation System™, they rapidly reprogram clients’ minds, unlocking their full potential and helping them achieve greater success, improved happiness, health, and wealth.Before QMG, Rich founded Engage & Grow Global, the world’s top employee engagement licensing company. Over four years, he trained and licensed over 700 Employee Engagement coaches from 35 countries. Rich has authored four books, including “The Minds of Winning Teams,” “Injury-Free,” “Engage & Grow,” and “Stress-Free.” He has also been a headline speaker at several industry conferences and events, speaking in 15 countries to audiences of over 1200 people. He is the founder and co-host of the Quality Mind podcast series alongside professional footballer Shaun Higgins from the GFC and AFL. Rich was a finalist for the 2017 Telstra Victorian Micro Business of the Year and 2016, 2017, and 2018 Australian Optus Business Awards as Business Leader of the Year and Export Business of the Year.