



Company: Smashing Numbers

“My business Smashing Numbers focuses on working with small business owners to eliminate financial stress, fear and worry. As a Certified Public Accountant, I’ve been working with small businesses since 1981. Over the last 40 years I’ve seen it all and been there myself. I have helped thousands be confident, secure and strategic with their money. This is a no judgement zone, it’s not what you have done in the past but what you do in the future. It breaks my heart to see so many small business owners struggle with profitability, taxes, debt and cash flow. I can show you how to be strategic with your money and grow real wealth and have fun doing it.

Our nationally recognized program helps small business owners and start ups create profitable businesses that allow them to live the lives of their dreams. I am looking to help successful women who are coaches, consultants, artists, writers or service business providers that want to make an impact and transformation with their clients. These women who are small business owners are on a mission to help serve others yet have nothing to show financially for the 60-80 hours a week they work.

My mission is to inspire, empower and transform lives by helping small business owners create a business that supports their entire lives. I love what I do and it makes a difference in people’s lives.(And yes we do bookkeeping and taxes!)

My mission: inspire, empower and transform lives by helping small business owners create a business that supports their entire lives.”