Kaitlyn Rose Holsapple


Kaitlyn Rose Holsapple

Founder & Somatic Yoga Therapist

Company: Her Temple

Kaitlyn Rose is a Somatic Yoga Therapist who helps her clients harmonize the nervous system and embody Soul Power.

Through the journey of healing from PTSD, Kaity channeled and created Somatic Yoga Therapy®, an integrative healing art form that helps you gently and effectively alchemize past pain bodies into your greatest gifts and super powers.

Kaity firmly believes that YOU are your own healer, and your body is your most sacred guide. The Somatic Yoga Therapy® process offers you tools, support, guidance, and space for alchemizing blockages & trauma into your greatest gifts and superpowers… but only YOU hold the magic of your own healing potential.

And, this magical healing force lives inside your body awaiting reclamation.