Juan Lee


Juan Lee

Author, Founder and Execitve director

Company: Clear Journey

Juan Lee is a transformational speaker, author and teacher on the powerful principle of love. For over 30 years, he has studied organized religion to find the elements that unite humanity and share the message with those who need it. Raised within the Christian church, Juan has turned to teachings about love over the years to find strength, understanding and hope.

As a child, Juan was the youngest of four children raised by a widowed father. Juan struggled with an undiagnosed learning disability that made school difficult. While being constantly compared to others, he was unable to identify his strengths. Juan’s low self-esteem and fear took away his hope for life. He joined the US Air Force out of high school in hopes just to survive.

Juan served honorably in the military during the first gulf war, earning many merits over his nine-year career. He has worked in manufacturing, education, mortgage and commercial financing. Recently retiring from the Washington metropolitan transit authority, law enforcement and security. He has never been able to separate himself from his learning disability that was undiagnosed until he was 37 years old. During his time in the Air Force, Juan committed his life to utilizing the principle of love in his life.

Juan is a devoted husband and lives outside of Washington, DC. He has a desire to share what he has learned over the years with others and be an agent of love for humanity. Learn more at JuanLeetheAuthor.com.