On this show, we talked about how much time you should be spending on your financial life, how it’s possible to be making a good living, but not get ahead, and how to recognize behaviors that can derail your success with Lee Baker, CFP, Principal of Apex Financial Services and the President of AARP Georgia. Listen to learn why it’s not enough to understand how the individual pieces of your financial life work, you need to know what the entire picture looks like!
You can learn more about Lee at ApexFinancial.com, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 22:24!
George is honored to be included on Investopedia‘s list of the Top 100 Financial Advisors for 2019!
You can learn more about the show at GeorgeGrombacher.com, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook or contact George at Contact@GeorgeGrombacher.com.