Kayla Mason


Kayla Mason

Holistic Health Coach & Human Design Reader

Company: KaylaCare

I put the power back in YOUR hands.

As a Holistic Health Coach, my goal is to help my clients learn to heal themselves.  In our sessions, we will deep dive into all of the parts of your life, so that we may unearth what must be brought to light and uncover the hidden potential inside.  I utilize Human Design as a tool to help my clients understand their conditioning and connect to their greater purpose.  We will explore your relationships with health, self, and community, and foster the awareness that will set you free.

To start this journey, feel free to shoot me an email using the form on this site, so we can chat, or I offer a free 15 Min Curiosity Call, so that we can get a feel for each other and decide if working together feels aligned.  From there, we will decide what path will best support you, so we can get you on the path to living your best life!